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As a priest I have always prided myself with walking in the Lord's way.even as  a young priest I knew about excorsim,we we taught how to use the scriptures to spell out demons from haunted souls,I never had a solo mission before to the house of the possessed,we were always told by our seniors that whenever we went near the house of the possessed we should make sure to always say our confessions to a priest so as the devil doesn't use our sins against us .

I would always follow priest Zach on each visit to the house of the possessed but something happened that I couldn't confess to the church or the church leaders it was a deadly secret that lead me on this path.

Priest Zach brought out his robes,the holy cross and holy water to seek out the unholy one that was what we priest call it we don't call it "demon" or prince of darkness to make it less fearful.As usual priest Zach brought out his hands from his breast pocket to get his liquor I always wondered why a man of God with such a big reputation for bringing the unholy ones on it knees could be drinking liquor before such an important visit.

The unholy one possessed a little boy, because after his sister died in the pool he had sink into depression because he thought it was his fault, and that was when the unholy one took advantage of him in his weak moment,it had started with him having haunting dreams at night,it was with fear that the unholy one manage to inhabit the little one's body.

I watched as priest Zach wore his robes slowly while doing the mark of the cross, when we heard a loud guttaral voice screaming you came late Zach"the boy belongs to me.i quickly did the sign of the cross while looking at priest Zach he calmly took his bible,cross, and holy water to the boys room,his mother and father were already trembling in fear we told them to wait in the parlour while we preformed our excorsim..I told the mother to pray for her son because a mother's love is next to God's love.But how did the demon knew who Zach was before we entered the room guess we would find out.....

As we entered the room, the boy's eyes locked onto Priest Zach with an unsettling gaze. The air was thick with an eerie presence, and I could feel the weight of the unholy one's malevolent energy.

"Zach," the boy hissed, his voice no longer his own. "You're too late. I've been waiting."

Priest Zach began the exorcism ritual, his voice steady and firm. But as he sprinkled the holy water, the boy's body contorted in ways that seemed humanly impossible. The unholy one was putting up a fierce resistance.

Suddenly, the boy's hand shot out, grasping Priest Zach's wrist. I tried to intervene, but it was too late. The boy's grip tightened, and Priest Zach's eyes widened in agony.

"No...this can't be..." he whispered, his voice fading.

The boy's eyes flashed with an otherworldly light, and Priest Zach's body began to twist and contort, his screams echoing through the room. I watched in horror as the possessed child's grip tightened, and Priest Zach's body slumped to the floor, lifeless.

The boy's gaze turned to me, and I knew I was next...

I tried to run, but my feet felt heavy, as if rooted to the spot. The boy's eyes seemed to bore into my soul, and I could feel the unholy one's presence closing in around me.

"You're next," the boy hissed, his voice dripping with malevolence.

Suddenly, the room began to spin, and I felt a dark energy envelop me. I tried to pray, but my voice was silenced by some unseen force.

The boy's eyes flashed brighter, and I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I was helpless, suspended in mid-air as the unholy one began to speak through the boy's lips.

"You should have stayed away, priest," it taunted. "Now you'll join your priest Zach in eternal darkness."

I tried to scream, but my voice was trapped in my throat. The boy's grip tightened, and I felt my life force being drained away...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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