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"I fucking hate him" you scream once you get in your car
Jonas has never liked you because you stand up to him when he's in the wrong
Just because he's your manager doesn't mean he can treat you or your teammates as less than
You had just stormed out of practice after Jonas shoved you which ended in you cussing him out and Leah and Beth grabbing you away from him
You ran off before anyone could follow you
You fucking know you shouldn't have yelled at him but you couldn't control yourself he is always touching you or shoving you and today you just snapped
Your phone hasn't stopped blowing up since you left
You finally answer one of Leah's calls
"Where are you"Leah asks demanding
"I'm driving Leah" you say pissed
"God dammit y/n/n I know but where" Leah's says
"I'm pulling up to your place" you say quietly
"Good I'll see you in a few than"Leah says
When you pull up to Leah's you see her and the girls waiting at the door
Leah,Alessia,Viv,Steph,Beth,Caitlin,Katie,and Kyra are all staring at you
Once you exit your car your almost taken out by Kyra who ran to hug you
"Hi Kyra I'm okay" you say softly petting her head
"I was so worried about you" Kyra says
"Hey I I'm okay" you say voice wavering with tears starting to fall down your face
The older girls see the tears and rush toward you
Caitlin softly takes Kyra out of your arms and inside
You crumple into yourself
Leah and Beth catch you before you hit the ground
"Let it out y/n/n"Viv says rubbing your back
"He sucks" you say sniffling
After awhile the girls move you inside and Caitlin and Katie give you alcohol
Your sandwiched in between Katie and Alessia
"Okay so we all agree Jonas was in the wrong he had no reason to put his hands on you" Viv says
"He's a bitch" you slur
The girls try to keep a straight face
"No what I was gonna say baby is you shouldn't have done what you did ethier"Viv says softly
"I was standing up for myself"you huff causing Katie to chuckle beside you
"We understand that but he is our manager so that was the wrong thing to do"Beth says
You see how they all agree so you hide yourself in Alessia arms
"Aww y/n/n" Alessia says
"To be fair we know she gets emotional with alcohol"Leah says laying a blanket over you

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