The end

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When you heard the news that Viv was leaving you were shocked to say the least because how could Jonas not offer her another contract I mean she's the fucking goat
The first thing you do after seeing the news is calling your best friend
"Less did you see" you ask
"Yes I did I'm shocked I thought for sure they were gonna offer her one" Alessia says
"Can you pick me up" you ask
"Yeah or course love I'll head that way" Alessia says
You quickly text Viv asking if she's okay and if you can do anything
When Alessia pick you up you head to the park for a nice walk
You and Alessia do this every week once or twice it's your favorite park always able to see cute doggies all over the park
"I'm scared" you say
"Why y/n/n"Alessia asks
"Well if he's getting rid of an absolute legend of a player why would he keep a player like me he already barely plays me" you say worried
"Hey I agree I don't like him not signing Viv again you are a crazy talented young athlete and I think you forget a lot since your surrounded by all older player but your only 18" Alessia says softly
Before you could respond Alessia cuts you off
"I also know Viv wouldn't want you to think like that ethier" Alessia adds
Later that day
Your at Beth and vivs
"This isn't gonna change anything you girls are still my family even if I join a different club" Viv says sadly
"To the goat" Katie says and everyone takes a drink
"Why did this have to happen to my parents" you say
Viv and Beth see your sad face
"Hey no sad face kiddo" Viv says pulling you into a hug
"We will always love you bug"Beth says joining the hug
"See I told you"Alessia says
"Told her what" Viv asks
"She was worried about her future in the club and her skills" Alessia explains
"Y/n/n that is nothing for you to worry about now"Leah says
"Your only 18 y/n and you're a shining star"Caitlin adds
"Also I can tell you now these girls will take care of you just fine I'll still be here with Beth though" Viv says winking
"Jonas and whoever else comes our way we won't let them ruin another legend in the game"Beth says
"I'll still be at as many matches as I can be to support my family"Viv says kissing your forehead

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