Chapter 22

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-YiChen's POV

Oh yes. They were still fighting with Tim. This was such a nightmare. No, wait. But he was gone.


"Hey guys look at this!" Tan Ying screamed. "HUH?"

"I thought we pressed skip parkour last time."

"Well, I guess it just delayed it." Xinnan deduced.

Then what seemed impossible happened. The floor beneath us switched into glass, a hole in the edge. Tan Ying crawled carefully over. It was the start of another adventure for the team of four. Tempered glass. The glass was tempered. When we climbed down the glass, a translucent frosted glass. The translucence seemed to perfectly transit into opacity. When we were finally at the bottom of the tube, a button was labelled 'games before WW3' and the other 'activate WW3'. Of course, we pressed the games button, and this teleported us into a smaller room.


-YiChen's POV

"Wow, Miss Jenny is really so retarded!" some group of idiotic boys, including Tan Ying, agreed at once upon seeing the question.

"Jenny bought a kettle for $69 after a 40% discount. What was the price of the kettle?" Of course everyone knew the answer was $115, but "Jenny." Those groups of idiotic boys from 5M and 5N, including Tan Ying, as we were in combined class, laughed their pants off. First, because 69. Second, JENNY AGAIN.

Even Xinnan, Tan Ying's 'nanny', (also a boy obviously), couldn't take it and rolled his eyes.


-YiChen's POV

As we were happily talking away, suddenly, Tan Ying and I collapsed. I could still see the surroundings though. After me was Xinnan, then Jing Yi, who had a shocked look on her face, in utter confusion. And then we blacked out.

When we came to, it wasn't where we were anymore.

It was an execution ground. A duplicate of Tan Ying and me were hung up by handcuffs. That looks brutal. In no time, an automatic freeze bullet shot Tan Ying in the heart. Tan Ying had no reaction. He was acting brave. He did flinch.

"Delson," he said groaning. "I'll get revenge on you. You won't..." Then he spat out blood. "get..." a few more drops. "the..." As luck would have it, he collapsed. Those were his last words. A big red circle with a "2" symbol appeared on me as well. Xinnan and Jing Yi weren't there.

"OWWW!" I screamed. I haven't died yet.

Wait. It represented the end of Tan Ying's life. He died at 17 years old. Brutal...

But that wasn't the end.

"Now you, young woman." the guy whom future Tanny called Delson stared at me, lifting my chin with a lithiumite sword. It was glowing light blue. I could see I was weak.

Dang it.

I could already see what was going to happen. Of course, I was going to die.

Delson lifted his sword, aimed it at me, and-


-YiChen's POV

Boom. We were back to the real world. I squinted my eyes as soon as I opened them. The bright sun and blue sky was back. Taking into consideration that it was me and Tan Ying who fainted first, the other duo was still unconscious. Sure enough, they came to in around forty seconds.

According to Tan Ying in the magical 40-second alone time (Mrrrrp. Don't get me wrong!), he said that a time machine must be built in order to....

"I don't know exactly why we must build it."

Wow. Nice answer, Tanny baby.

Any, any, anyway, let's find out. (Obviously)

-Xinnan's POV

"Why do we need to build a freaking time machine?" Jing Yi asked.

"How do I know? Ask this baby!" YiChen hollered, sending me into the space. What a relaxing trip. Wait, what is that word on Mercury? A giant D? Wait, there's something on Venus too? An E. Mars? S. Jupiter? A humongous O. Saturn? Nope, not the ring, but an N. On Uranus? An I. Neptune? The word rock. Wait, I kind of get it now, why Delson needs us, I just need to confirm it with the manual.


-YiChen's POV

"Ahh!" Xinnan came down at high speed, screaming as he was engulfed in flames. Explaining the flames even if we are at the north pole? Friction (duh). Splash! He landed in the ice cold water.

"Hot hot, cold cold," his words literally changed in a moment.

"Hey, guys, where's the manual?" He asked as he gathered 100 warmers.

"There!" I threw it into his face. He flipped.

"WHAT THE? Oh gosh. Anyway, everyone! On my trip in space, there was a letter on each planet in the system. They spelt, in order from the closest of the sun to the farthest. D-E-(None)-S-O-N-I-ROCK." He said.

"Oh my goodness! Delson! We need to save the world! Placora, at least." Tan Ying screamed, almost colliding Xinnan with a plane.

"So it means that only Placora is not occupied by Delson? And why didn't we realise that Delson conquered the other planets?" I asked.

"Because, (loud breath), only Placora is habitated in the system. Delson did not even had to do anything to 'conquer' the other planets," Xinnan replied.

"Geez!" Tan Ying sighed.

"But... wasn't Delson going to destroy us?" Jing Yi hollered as she marched in.
"And dang, I just remembered. Isn't Adventora inhabited too?

And as they walked along, they seemed to hear the chirping of birds.  

The Adventures Of That Particular Group: Start Of Their Adventure (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now