Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.

I parked my car in Trevor's driveway, sitting in the seat for a few seconds before turning the music and engine off. It sucks when you're driving, and right when you already reach your destination, a good song comes on. The struggles of life.

I got out of the car, and locked it as I walked away. Ever since someone broke into my car last year and stole my ipod, I've been so paranoid with keeping my things safe. I mean, seriously, that thing was full of music. Great music, too -- I even had every single Pink Floyd album on that ipod. Now it's gone, and I'm still holding a grudge against the asshole who decided to steal it.


Before I even had the chance to knock, Trevor beat me to it as he opened the door, grinning widely at me.

"NATHAN!" He exclaimed, grabbing my arm and yanking me into the house. I laughed at him when he quickly closed the door and turned to face me.

I guess you can say Trevor and I are your typical popular highschool guys. Although I hate being labelled, it's true. Both Trevor and I are on the school football team, apparently we're both incredibly gorgeous and we're just popular in general. I'm not even saying it to seem like we're better than everyone -- because we're not. We're popular in the way where basically everyone knows who we are, because we always put ourselves out there.

Also, I guess being Team Captain and Star Quarterback kind of gives you some attention, especially when you're the reasons why the team basically wins every game.

"So, wow, the girlfriend actually let you free for once?" Trevor quirked an eyebrow as we made our way to his kitchen. One thing I love about going to Trevor's house -- the food. His fridge is always full, and that's always good.

"Trev, it's not like she never lets me hang with you," I pointed out, watching as he opened the fridge to look for something. I casually leaned against the counter, my eyes subconsciously trailing down his back. Trevor's always been more 'fit' than me, he's obsessed with his body and keeping it in perfect shape. I gotta hand it to him, though, he's pretty successful in that department.

Not to sound gay or anything, I'm just pointing out a fact.

"Tracy's kind of....." Treor shut the fridge, pulling out two cans of Coke as he turned to me.

"Kind of what?"

Trevor handed me a cold can, and shrugged his shoulders. "Kind of clingy?"

"No way," I shook my head. "What drugs are you on, Trev? Tracy isn't clingy, she's just really into me."

"Yeah, well, whatever you say Nate," Trevor rolled his eyes, opening the can to a loud hiss. I gave him a strange look, not sure why he was beginning to look a little pissed. Trevor never really complains about Tracy. Hell, I could have sworn he really liked her and thought she was good for me.

"What crawled up your ass?" I asked, taking a long sip of my coke. I loved the sensation of the chilled drink running down your throat.

Trevor sighed. "Nothing, sorry man. I just feel like you're not the same anymore, you know? I hate admitting this to you because I feel like a jealous fag, but like...."

I nodded in understanding, my eyes going to the floor. Now that Trevor mentions it, I am kind of different. Ever since Tracy and I started dating, I guess I kind of changed a little. I think I became a little soft and lame, but honestly I can't help it! When I'm with Tracy I literally melt into a big mush pile, and get all cheesy.

"I know, I know," I groaned. "But...."

"But what?"

"Have you ever loved somebody so much that it's don't even know how to act around them? Like.....your insides literally melt and you just get all crazy inside?"

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