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(Above is amazing fan art that @nefariously made!!! I love it!)

Hi guys. So, this is it. The Epilogue. *tear falls down my cheek*

I just want to say thank you all so much. This being my first boyxboy story, I was so nervous about it and didn't think anyone would like it. This story actually was actually supposed to just be a short story so I could like, test the waters and whatnot. But idk man. It truly amazes me how much support I've gotten. I just can't get over the fact that this story has over 1 million reads. LIIIIIIIIIKE. Not to mention all the wonderful comments and encouragement you all give me. It's such a great feeling to know that despite whatever may be going on with my life outside of wattpad, as soon as I log onto this website and see all the love I get on my writing and my stories, it just warms up my heart so much. Even though it would take me months just to update a chapter, you all stuck with me right from the beginning. And I really, really appreciate that and can't thank you all enough. If you are currently reading this, just know that the love is hella real.

For those asking if I will be writing more boyxboy stories: DUH. I will be writing a lot more boyxboy stories. I already have 3 ideas in mind, and will get to work on them as soon as possible. There's also going to be a story with Trevor and Nate in it! I don't know if I want to write a sequel to this story, or just a story with them in it (ex. Their daughter would be the main character) or something like that. I'm not sure. I could always do both, but we'll see! Let me know what you guys want.

ALSO. A lot of people have been telling me that they can't see Chapter 4. I'm sorry but I don't know why??? I'm really upset about this. Some people can view the chapter yet some can't. I've even e-mailed wattpad to see if there was some kind of reason, but I got no response. So, with that being said, I'll just re-upload Chapter 4 after the Epilogue for those who couldn't view the Chapter!

Here is the very last Chapter of What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know (even though she does know)




If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is too short. Way too short. We don't really realize how quick it goes by, and as Ferris Bueller once said, "life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it." This is something I've really truly learned over the past year. I've learned that sometimes you just have to close your eyes, say "fuck it" and then jump. Sometimes you just have to stop thinking so much, and just live in the moment. Live in the now. You won't know what's coming, and frankly, you never will. That's the funny thing about life.

I say this because, well, I never thought in a million years that I would be sitting here on Graduation Day holding hands with the guy I've been bestfriends with practically my whole life. I never thought that I would ever love a man in general, let alone Trevor Daly. I never thought that I would have gotten accepted to every University that I applied to - all with offered scholarships.

And I also never thought that I could get back to playing football the same. But after about six weeks, my knee was recovered and next thing I knew, I was back in the game. Some say it's nearly impossible, but I guess God really doesn't hate me after all. Ha. Now, here we are, graduating. 400 senior students all wearing red gowns and caps, sitting in their seats as we all listened to our Principal call out names of everyone in alphabetical order.

Knowing that this is the beginning of the rest of my life kind of scares me. It's like taking a huge jump off this cliff without knowing where the jump will take you. I do, however, wish that during highschool, I did stop and look around a lot more. I wish I did things like maybe run for Class President or try out for a play or maybe tried out for different sports. I wish I've talked to more people, went on certain trips....You don't think about how much you missed out on until the very end. Until it's too late. But that's okay. A lot of great, amazing things came out of highschool anyways. I first came into this school not knowing anyone except for Trevor, Dave and Brock. I had a lot of trouble making friends, talking to people, I was really short and scrawny...I even got picked on quite a lot in freshman year. I was a naïve virgin. My voice was really high and I sounded like Mickey Mouse going through a rough patch of puberty. But that's ancient history. It's just funny to be sitting here now, graduating, and being able to look back at how much I've changed. How much my perspective on things have changed. How much taller I've gotten (Thank fucking God). The amount of times I wanted to give up on school, almost feel like they don't exist anymore. It's over. Highschool flew by. It really did. But it has changed me for the better. Now, I'm even Valedictorian. I don't know how that happened, but it did. I've really, truly found myself. Sort of. And I had amazing people by my side while doing so.

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