Chapter 6

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HEY GUYS. So I don't know if many of my fans are actually reading this story, but whatever I LIKE this story so I'm going to keep writing. Because I can. Because I like romantic stories between two guys. It's suhhh cute.

Well, I've been feeling kinda blegh lately. I wasn't really in the mood to write or upload anything, but...I guess I owe my readers an update :)

FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM! It's pretty new, and I don't have many followers because I've only had it for a few months. BUT I'll follow you back if your account isn't private.

My instagram is currently @ maryjoones ... but you know it could change, so check my profile for the current account name. (Like if you read this story 2 years from now or something lol).


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Chapter 6.


"Oh God these gloves smell so bad!" My friend, Dave complained as he slipped the rubber gloves on. We're dissecting a frog in Biology....again. We were supposed to dissect a rat but my teacher doesn't think this class is 'mature' enough yet.

"Stop whining you tit," I muttered, also putting on the gloves that, indeed, smelt like crap. I don't know if the class before us didn't wash them, or if they just smell bad. Because shit, they smell bad.

"How many fucking times do we have to dissect a god damn frog?" He hissed, glaring at Mr. Johnson, who was currently at another table helping some group out. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Apparently, many times."

"Where's Nate?" Brock asked, glancing at the empty chair next to me. Nathan texted me earlier this morning telling me he was going to be a few minutes late because he slept in. He slept in. Fairy.

"He stayed up too late playing with his dollies," I smirked.

"Awwwwwww Nate!" Brock cooed, the three of us laughing as we made fun of my bestfriend. Yeah, I know, we're assholes....but we make fun of eachother all the time. Seriously, it's actually how we show our love for each other.

"Well, I don't give a fuck," Dave said, staring down at the dead frog on our table. "He better get here soon, because I ain't doing this shit."

"Me neither, fuck this shit," Brock said, putting his palms up as he grimaced at the frog. I sighed, rolling my eyes. I mean, really, you got Brock and Dave -- probably the toughest, biggest guys in the school. They're both on the football team, and they're not scared of anything.

Well, except for dissecting a harmless, dead frog.

"You guys are pussies," I muttered. If Nate were here, he would have slapped me in the head for saying that word. He hates the word Pussy. But he isn't here right now so I can say what I want.

Speak of the fairy, the three of us turned our heads as the door opened, with Nate walking in looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Dave and Brock snickered as we watched Mr. Johnson got a hold of him, demanding where he's been and the usual.

"Detention after school, Mr. Dawson," we heard Mr. Johnson say before Nathan rolled his eyes and walked over to our table. I couldn't even hold in my laugh when he took his seat next to me at the lab table.

"Shut up," Nathan muttered. "The guy's such a snake. He loves getting me in trouble."

"Maybe you should stop staying up late having tea parties with your dolls and come to class on time so we can get this stupid frog-dissection crap over and done with," Brock smirked, sliding the tray over to Nathan. Nathan stared down at the frog, and sighed while turning to me.

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