Chapter Five: What a Big Mouth You Have

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I was angry and I could feel my wolf clawing underneath my skin to be released. I had put us through a bit in the past week and I knew control wasn't something I had completely grasped yet. I had only been an alpha for two years now and had to learn on my own how to deal with the urges of my beast. It didn't help that I had spent those two year locked away and subjected to all forms of treatment under Kellan's control. I quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind knowing that would only stir up the beast more.

I moved through the strange house not sure where I was headed but when the sound of muffled voice reached my ears I let my legs carry me towards them. The closer I got the more I could hear the anger in the voices. This caused excitement to stir inside me and I knew she wanted violence. I rushed towards the voice.

"You're going to keep your mouth shut or so help me—" Marshall growled viciously. I could hear the sound of a threatening growl, "Or what? You think you can beat me into submission?" Leo taunts.

"Stop it! You're both acting like idiots!" Libra jumped in with a exasperated sigh. I moved into the archway of what looked like some kind of old sitting room. Marshall and Leo would be standing chest to chest if it weren't for Bunny who was standing between them with a look that told me she was on the verge of crying. Libra stood off to the side behind her brother with where arms cross over her chest defensively as she stared the two brooding males down.

Bunny's eyes snapped to me and I felt my desire for violence fade. My wolf wanted me to handle the problem and protect the pack, even if it was from themselves. I moved into the room, "What's got your panties in a twist now?" I tease hoping to draw the attention of there wolves away from each other and toward me. Neither of them looked away from each other, "This idiot wants to tell Silver about leaving the house and the hunters." Marshall states. Leo's eyes narrow into challenging slits, "He's our alpha he should know about what happened—"

"You heard him earlier, he doesn't care about being our alpha! So stop being such a kiss ass." Marshall growled in annoyance. I rolled my eyes at there ridiculous argument, part of me wanted to turn around and leave them too it but Bunny kept looking at me like she wanted me to help. I blew out a breath and moved closer to them, "You shouldn't talk about him like that. Even if he doesn't want to be your alpha—he's still an alpha and you should respect him."

"Then maybe he should act like one!" Marshall snarled at me turning his attention away from Leo to me. My wolf stirred within me and I gritted my teeth to keep from snarling back at him, "Be careful Marshall—I don't think you want him to show you what it means to be alpha." He continued to stare at me his chest heaving up and down but slowly I watched a flash of guilt and regret flash through his eyes. I knew he was just acting out because of everything that had happened in the past twelves hours or so. Hell, I think we were all a little stressed and so were our wolves.

I took in a deep calming breath, "I know you are upset but that doesn't mean you need to snap at everyone. These are your pack mates—they only want to protect you and do whats right for everyone—just like you do." Marshall relaxed further and his shoulders sagged. Bunny eased herself closer to him and rubbed his arm gently, "Marshall—Leo is right. We need to tell Silver about the hunters, in case they try to track us or something. It was my fault for running off. I saw how upset everyone was without Silver and I know I'm the best tracker. I only wanted to help..." Marshall pulled Bunny into his arms and held her tight. The sight made my heart tighten and I looked away from them biting the inside of my cheek. I felt the anger toward my mate build again. How could he neglect his pack like this? They clearly needed his leadership and protection but he wanted none of it. It looks like I am going to have to give him a piece of my mind or fist if he doesn't change is tune.

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