Bonus Chapter: Let Me Be Your Shield

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Valerie P.O.V

I was excited that I had been able to attend the gathering at the Monarchs home. My best friend had taken me as her plus one since she was in the midst of an arranged mating to one of the captains in the guard. Isabel had lost her mate at a young age because he had a weak constitution, which sometimes happened for pure bloods. The body would be to weak to contain the power of the wolf inside and after the first shift their body would begin to break down. Luckily Isabel had never formed a true bond with the boy and though she mourned his loss would be able to have a full life with someone else.

"Isn't this place spectacular Val?" Isabel questions me as we follow the others toward the entrance. I let my eyes roam over the beautiful surroundings of the large plantation home, whose large pillars stretched towards the heavens. It looked how I imagined a home for gods might look. I smiled brightly, "It is probably the biggest house I've ever seen." Isabel let out a soft laugh and pulled me closer linking her arm with mine.The house was flooded with people and I was happy that Isabel kept me close to her or else I probably would have gotten lost in the crowd.

"Oh, there he is." Isabel proclaimed with excitement pulling me quickly behind her as she weaved us through the crowd. I apologize as we bumped into people trying to keep my cheeks from showing my embarrassment at my friends unruly behavior. Finally there seem to be a break in the crowd and I sighed with relief.

"Issy!" A deep voice called out and I looked up to see a tall man moving towards us. He had a kind smile on his lips and his blonde hair was quaffed perfectly to the side. Isabel let go of me and moved towards him, practically running. He caught her as she leapt at him, giggling as he spun her around. I couldn't help but smile at the couple who seemed to not care that other people were around them, witnessing there little show. He placed her down gently before looking over towards me still wearing a big smile, "And this must be your friend—the one you were telling me about."

Isabel looked to me apologetically as if she'd forgotten I was there for a moment, "Oh I'm sorry! How rude of me?" She stepped back from the young captain and moved towards me, "This is my best friend in the entire world—Valerie Sinclair."

The captain bowed, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you miss Sinclair. You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of Robert Sinclair?" He asked as he met my gaze again. I felt my wolf bristle up at the question but I pushed the feeling down, "That would I be." I say with a tight smile. My father was well known in the pure blood world for being the greatest shield the monarch ever had. Lot of good that fame did him now that he was six feet under, leaving his family practically destitute. People acted as though being a shield was a great privilege but to me it seemed rather like a death sentence. 

"Captain Nichols!" A deep voice broke through my thoughts. I turned my face to see a young male moving towards us with a serious expression. He carried himself with an air of superiority and I wonder if he was one of the monarchs sons. The captain turned toward the voice, "Ah, good evening Barrett—" Though he sounded friendly I could hear the a slight change in it.

Barrett looked from the captain to Isabel before focusing his dark gaze on me. His steps seemed to falter a bit and I looked away from him quickly feeling my face heat with embarrassment. I focused on my feet which were starting to hurt from the heels I was wearing.

"What brings you out tonight? If I remember correctly you aren't one for partying, it's a waste of time." Captain Nichols teased. I heard Isabel let out a small giggle but I remained completely interested on the ground. Barrett cleared his throat, "Well, I came to talk business but now that I'm here I realize it's not that important." I can feel the heat of his gaze on me but I am to nervous to look up.

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