Chapter Twenty-Two: Forget-Me-Not

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"Grace" Kellans voice whispered in my ear. The darkness around me shifted but my eyes wouldn't open it was as if they had been sealed shut. I could feel could metal biting into the skin of my wrists and ankles. I wanted to cry but I held back the pressure that was building in my chest.

Fingers brushed the hair back away from my face making me cringe and turn away. A deep chuckle vibrated the still air around me, "Oh Grace—aren't you tired of this game yet?" Kellan asks me with amusement. I feel a sting of pain as he digs his claws into my arm but I hold back the sounds—he loves it when I cry—when I scream.

"You know you could be something great, it's in your genes. All you have to do is give yourself to me." His lips were pressed to my ear and his hot breath on my skin make me want to crawl inside myself. My wolf was scratching at the back of my mind but I couldn't reach her not with all the wolf bane pumping through my veins. He loved it when I was defenseless and completely at his mercy.

I could feel his other hand sliding up my stomach and over my ribs. I winced when he touched the spot that was still healing from the last beating he'd let some of his lackey's give me after I had tried to bite him.

"Open your eyes and look at me." He growls. I didn't want to see him, looking at him made me desperate and angry. It was better to be calm and in control because Kellan was worse when he got a rise out of me.

"LOOK AT ME!" He bellowed and my eyes snapped open. My wolf responded to his rage like a fisherman to a siren. I opened my mouth as my canines descended and I pulled at my bonds, snapping my teeth at him viciously. He hovered just out of reach with a twisted grin on his face, "You're so beautiful when you're so full of hate. I can't wait to make you mine, pet."

"I will never be your pet!" I snarled at him as I fell back against the metal table they had bound me to.

"I wouldn't say never—but perhaps you need more time in your holding cell to see things my way." He shrugged his shoulders as if he couldn't care less. He leaned in closer to me his red eyes shimmering brightly in the dimly lit space, "You're still so weak and pathetic. You don't even understand what you could be capable of—" His hands reached up quickly and wrapped around my throat, squeezing hard. I struggled in against his hold my eyes wide and my heart hammering against my chest. He smiled at my attempts to free myself, lowering his face closer to mine.

My eyes water and tears slipped from them, sliding down the sides of my face. I wanted to die. I wanted the torture to end. What had I done to deserve this? I had already lost everything that mattered to me. Why couldn't the moon goddess just give me peace already?

Kellans grip on my throat loosened slightly to show me that I had once again be deprived my release, which only made me was to scream out in rage. I could feel his hot breath mingling with my own he was so close to me, "Don't cry my pet—I will rid you of this weakness and build you into something stronger." He wanted to turn me into a rogue—though I wasn't quite sure why. What would he gain from me siding with him? I would never side with him, that would happen over my dead cold body.

I narrowed my eyes, "I hate you." I say through clenched teeth.

"Good—maybe there is hope for you yet." 

I woke up gasping for air and my head throbbing like I had the worst hangover of my life. My mind registered the hard and damp concrete underneath me which had me reeling back. I pushed myself up off the ground stumbling a bit as I regained control of my limbs. My eyes scanned the area frantically as I realized I was in some type of enclosure. I felt a familiar panic begin to build in my chest as I moved forward not wanting to believe that I was awake. I hoped I was still trapped in my nightmare—almost wanted to beg for that to be true.

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