Picture perfect

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"Did you know about this?" the shock on Luke's face is as genuine as his love for me but I just want to hear him say it.
"If I knew I would be laughing at how shocked you are not sharing your expression."
Luke is used to being kept in the loop and being in charge, I guess it's what being an Alpha does to you. So seeing him like this is rare and very funny, however in this instance we're both in the same position.

Scott only briefly informed us what was happening. A crisp, short, rehearsed summary of today's events. This was originally meant to be a coming home party that was organised for us while we were still on tour. But circumstances changed and we finished our tours early. I had originally set off to America on my own but we all ended up being honorably discharged by the same doctor. Top of her field, the head of the on base hospital of the largest military base in America. They have a world class rehabilitation program for wounded veterans and that is what brought us all to the same state, same area of the United States of America. What are the chances?

So the party was moved from our home to here but then Aubrey came into their lives.
When they got the news they knew this was the perfect opportunity, everyone they love and care for was already coming over for a welcome home party so why not combine it with a christening.

It was the only thing her birth mother wished for. With the father not in the picture a young girl raised in a religious community was left with no other option but to give up her baby. She believed it was for the best, she left Aubrey with a crucifix necklace, religious middle name and one final wish for her baby to have a god in her life. Dave and Scott were all to happy to comply if it meant they got this gorgeous little girl.
So the party was pushed back once again until they could organise a christening and actually have Aubrey in their arms.

That's all they managed to tell us before the priest asked them to take their seats. Luke and I were moved to the very front, as Godparents apparently there were seats reserved for us. The priest began talking and I took in my surroundings. That's why everyone looked so familiar. These are all soldiers or friends and family of Scott and Dave. I've seen many pictures but never had the chance to meet any of them in person. We were called up to the alter, only then I noticed two faces that i'll never forget. I hadn't noticed them in the wave of people but walking in time up the steps to the alter Sarah and Jason were as clear as day. Jason stood by his twin brother with Sarah by his side, I took my place sandwiched between two 6ft tanks.

Looking down at little Aubrey, she has no clue how lucky she is. She has two dads, four former marines, one Alpha, two packs, and  four godparents already wrapped around her baby finger. She won't get away with anything but she'll also never walk alone. We will do everything and anything in our power to guide her and keep her safe. That's what we're promising today. She may not be blood but the second those adoption papers were signed she was family.

The service went by in the blink of an eye. It was no where as near as boring and dragged out as I thought it would be. I guess this day is just full of surprises. People filed out of the church in an orderly manner. Many dying for some fresh air, space, or the long awaited lung full of nicotine.
Outside there isn't a cloud in sight and the sun is beating down on our backs. I thought my moment in the spotlight was over but I was far from right. Currently Luke and I are arranging ourselves for a group photo, we're in the same positions as we were on the alter but the green grass and crystal blue sky was a prettier back drop to a photo.
"So how's the band going?" I switched stance for the next photo and kept the same smile plastered on my face.
"That was actually a one time thing requested by none other than former Alpha Jack Jones. We were as surprised as you. Apparently our parents tried their hands at playing fate."
That is not what I was expecting to hear. Jack was one of the highest ranking Alpha's, a title Luke has now inherited, he knew my father and the Alpha of their pack. He had heard me mention their names and must have put two and two together.
Luke did nothing but smile as Jason and Sarah were explaining, this wasn't all down to his father. Looking up at him, the sun cast a shadow on the side of his face making his features more prominent and his eyes shine as the light hit them. I wonder why he never said anything, never once did he look for appreciation, never once did he ask for something in return, never once did he take credit. Feeling my gaze Luke's eyes shifted from the photographer to me.
"Princess, are you alrigh-" I put my hands on his shoulder and pushed them down do his face was level with mine and planted my lips on his cutting off the end of his sentence. In the background I heard the faint click of the camera and looked to see the photographer smiling at us.

Luna? No sir i'm a MarineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang