New Ink

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Waking up on my stomach is a weird sensation. I don't like it. My chest is constricted, my boobs hurt, I can feel my heart beat in my stomach and i'm basically suffocating myself or trying to break my neck. This is not how I usually wake up.

I slowly opened my eyes and was submerged in a sea of black sheets. I slid my hands underneath my chest and lifted my torso off the bed. It looked like a pathetic attempt at a push up. My head is kind of buzzing, I guess the impact of last light. Although I've had success so far that's where it stopped. I tried to roll off the bed but I was basically chained to it. It's a feeling that i've become accustom to, without even having to look I could tell that it's Luke's arm. Fighting his grip is futile, that's something i've learned. I don't need to pee, I can wait a bit longer for breakfast I'll just enjoy these few minutes.

I rolled over onto my side, supporting my head with my hand as I begin to trace patterns along Luke's bare back. I followed the lines of his tribal tattoo's but the more I learn about him the more I think that these tattoo's are to do with the pack. My fingers skimmed across his scars and trailed down his spine. They came to a halt when I noticed the fresh ink on his shoulder blade. This wasn't an addition to the tribal marks that that originated on his right peck and travelled to the middle of his bicep and around his back. This was a a girl with a warrior red strip across her eyes and a wolf above her, howling, almost protecting her. I was mesmerised. Their eyes held so much pain, so much rage, such beauty.

I hadn't noticed my hands leaving his spine and tracing the outline of this new tattoo. His breathing pattern changed. I froze and looked up at him through my eyelashes. His head was still buried in the pillows and I relaxed a bit.

It was short lived as not even a minute later I found myself straddling Luke. He's a sneaky werewolf. In a split second he had gone from sleeping beauty to a cocky, horny wolf boy. His hands rested on my hips and mine are flat on his chest, attempting to stabilise myself after his sudden movement. His cocky smirk told me I had been caught red handed.

"Enjoying yourself?" I just rolled my eyes and tried to get off him but he just pulled me closer.

"Morning princess"
"Good Morning" I leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek as he yawned. Then before he could pull me back I wiggled out of his grip and ran to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and laughed at my appearance. I don't understand, what do I do at night to make my hair look like someone hosted a mosh pit in it? I splashed water on my face, attempted to brush my hair, brushed my teeth and checked the time. I never considered myself a morning person, even the military can't change a few things. Within my first few weeks I already earned a reputation. I didn't take shit, I had a great poker face and you only talked to me before 11am if you had a death wish. Many question how I made it as a Marine, hell I still don't get it. I hate being told what to do, I hate waking up early and I don't take being talked down too very well. Yet I loved the military, apparently I was a natural. No matter how hard I try I can't break my routine, my training. Waking up at 06:00, wanting to go to the gym. I'm not housewife material, i'm not the kind of girl that will sit around and let her guy take care of her. That's not me. I have to find something to do.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Luke tying his belt on his jeans. The tattoo still confusing me. It raised so many questions. When did he get it? Why did he get it? Who's the girl? Why a wolf? Am I really jealous of a tattoo? I'm not the jealous type, I just don't like sharing.

I slowly walked towards him. Almost like a lioness stalking her prey. I took in his silhouette. His muscles a reminder of the damage he could do if he lost his temper for a second. I got close enough to touch him and that's exactly what I did. I outlined the tattoo.

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