The wolf whisperer

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The sun was beating down on me, normally the heat never bothered me but this isn't just heat it's the humidity. My hair grew faster than a child's christmas list. The beast has been awoken.

This is very unlike me. I have no idea where I am going and right now I don't want to know. I'm just going to keep driving until I form a plan like a sailor drinking himself sober.

"I wanna see your peacock, -cock, -cock"

The unmistakable sound of my ring tone cut off my mini battle with myself. Bringing back memories of my troop. Especially one day in particular, when Scott dared me to change my ring tone to Katy Perry's song "Peacock". Two years and three phones later I still haven't chickened out. Speak of the devil

"Hello welcome to the playboy mansion, i'm Candy Apple and i'll be your bunny tonight. How may I help you?"
I asked in the most seductive voice I could muster without ruining my act by laughing.

"One day it's going to be your father and he's going to have a heart attack and then send a troop after you. I won't save your ass then"
with that you couldn't help but laugh. Messing with Scott is too easy.

"Anyway chica how are you holding up? Any news? Any guys? I am fine thanks for asking...."
But he was quickly interrupted by a slightly softer voice shouting
"leave the poor girl alone"

I always thought they were a great match. Scott is a diva, drama queen, loud the complete opposite to Dave. Dave is the level-headed, quiet, manlier one of the two. But they really do set the relationship goals. Did I mention they're gay and have been going out since before i've know them, so that's about 5 years.

He always did know how to push my buttons and get a reaction out of me. I earned a reputation as a short fuse and Scott always had a lighter.
"Repeat that, I dare you"
Just as I said that the car hit something, swerved and then started leaning to one side. Shit my tyre.

Scott was still blabbering on the phone, filling me in on all the gossip I missed out on. They were supposed to join me on this trip but I was released from hospital early and insisted that I go. I parked my baby at the side of the road. For such an open road it's quite empty. I didn't think too much into it I was more focused on my car. I stepped out and put my phone on speaker then placed it on the roof of the car.

I could feel eyes on me. Raking up and down my body, making me feel a bit self-conscious. Watching my every move. After taking off the old tyre I stood up and looked around, no one, nothing not even a breeze. Maybe I am crazy.

I said a few 'yeah's, wow's, really's' to keep Scott happy and got on with changing the tyre. Happy wife, happy life. Just as I was finished I wiped my hands off my jeans. Ah the freedom of being an adult. I picked up my phone and brought it to my ear. Remembering to turn off the speaker....this time. Just as I turned around to face the forest. Which I hadn't even noticed before. That is not like me. I must be really out of it. I must of taken a harder hit than I thought the other day.

I had walked to a nearby Cafe looking to get a nice brownie seeing I don't drink tea or coffee. Black coffee never appealed to me, i'm bitter enough.
I decided to take a shortcut through a small park I had seen on my way over. Exploring new areas doesn't scare me. I think of it as an adventure and new stories to tell.
Just as I came out the other side I saw a little girl no older than 7 with blonde hair and huge doe like forest green eyes run into the road. She was the type of girl who would melt your heart. No one seemed to notice that she was on her own or in the middle of the road.
I heard what sounded like a 4.3 L Vortec V6 engine, in other words a van, round the corner. At the speed he was travelling I knew with an engine like that he wouldn't be able to stop in time.
So I ran out into the road grabbed the girl by the waist and wrapped myself around her, almost like a human shield. I didn't even attempt to move, it would have just insulted the laws of physics and my judgement. At least by standing still I could brace myself and minimise the damage. My back got the full impact of the hit. From the windscreen to the road. I could tell I was bleeding, I had hit my face pretty hard as well but I needed to make sure she was ok.
She was a little shaken up but other than that and a few scratches she seemed to be fine. It was then a boy around 9 came running towards us. He thanked me then picked up his sister and ran away. My back hurt to much to be able to catch them. That was the last I saw of them. An ambulance was called and I was stitched up. I protested, ensuring them I was capable of bandaging myself up but the paramedics were persistent. They told me to check in with the hospital if I had any more symptoms.

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