The fight

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The whole school was in the giant gym waiting for us to fight. I couldn't wait. I wore a tank top which covered up most of my scars I paired yoga pants with my favourite black and white nikes.

I walked out of the changing room and everyone went quiet. They were staring at my little nub of an arm. When Phoenix walked out everyone fixed their gazes on him and started cheering. There was a fighting ring which I stepped into without troubles. I placed myself in one corner while Phoenix placed himself in the corner opposite from me. He had a smirk plastered on his face while I just concentrated. My mind went back to the base and how they taught us selfdefense, even though they knew we hopefully wouldn't get that close to the target it was always great to have incase.

I heard a bell wring which signalled it started. We walked around each other like sharks in the water. He was the first to go. He tried to kick my head, but I caught his foot which was going lightning speed. I pulled on his leg and he tumbled to the ground. I ran over and elbowed him in his stomach. His face contorted in pain. 

I got up off him and walked with my back to him. I heard his light footsteps, when he got close enough I dropped to the ground and swung my legs under his. He fell to the ground in a heap. I smirked.

"You don't need all your limbs to win." I announced to the crowd who was stunned. I looked down at Phoenix who had a smile plastered on his face. I don't think he's had enough.

Phoenix's POV:

Man she's good. She turned her back to me, again. I got up and tapped her shoulder. Her fist sung around and locked with my jaw. Pain erupted and spread to my head and I started to get a headache. She did an upper cut to my stomach I bent down to clutch my stomach, and she took the advantage to knee me in the face. 

She bent down to my limp body, she stared me straight in the eyes and said.

"Don't you ever judge me again." Her voice was ice cold, her piercing green eyes showed no mercy. Her blonde/gold hair swayed from side to side as she left the ring making me feel weak. The crowd was still, they were just as surprised as I am. I need to know more about her. She's just so mysterious. 

I went into the locker room and got changed. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, bruised up face, with a little blood trickling down. I whipped away the blood and walked out. All eyes were on Nora as she walked out of the gym. I ran to catch up to her. I put my hand on her shoulder, her elbow shot out and hit me square in the stomach. 

"Ow." I said

"Oh my gosh sorry I thought you were the t- no never mind, are you ok?" She asked me with a hint of worry in her voice. 

"Yea, yea I'll be fine." I waved it off and we walked down the halls together. 

"Your a good fighter you should join our team, it consists of only guys but you can...train us?" I can't believe I said those words. She perked up, her green eyes brimming with tears. Why? I don't know.

"Yes! I'd love to!" She said so happy

"Why were you going to cry though?" I asked, she stopped cold in her spot, she turned and looked me straight in the eye.

"I-I can't tell you." She said trying to compose herself. I shrugged it off and we kept on talking.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you lose your arm?" I asked her, she looked me straight in the eye.

"I'll tell you later." She said reluctantly. I nodded I walked her to her locker then we parted ways.

I walked to my locker, my mind in a jumble. I can't believe she will actually tell me her secret. I have to tell someone when she tells me. I'm horrible at keeping secrets. I smiled while I was walking to my class with all the stuff I needed for that class. I walked in and all eyes were on me. 

"So...Mr.Hotshot you got you butt whipped by a girl with missing limbs." MY best friend Zack said.

"Don't say that about her, she's different like a good different and I'm going to find out her secret. And yea I did, but, I'm recruiting her for our team." I said

"Good, she's better than all of us on the team, you should call a meeting tomorrow and introduce her, not like they don't know who she is." He snickered then the teacher yelled at us to stop talking. 

The day finally came to an end. When I walked out of school I saw Nora running somewhere. She runs super fast, there are probably pounds and pounds of school work in there. I walked to my blood red scion sports car. I unlocked it, I threw my bag in the back seat, started it and took off. I soon found Nora still running.

"Hey you want a lift?" I yelled out at her

"Nah, I'm good I need to work out more too I've slacked off a lot, but now? Ha Look at me!" She took off even faster, I had to go a little faster. She took her bag from her shoulder and was steadying it in her hand.

"What are you doing?" I yelled at her

"Roll your window all the way down!" I nodded and rolled it all the way down. The next thing I know she's throwing her bag in my car, it landed perfectly in the passenger seat. I looked up at her she had a smile plastered on her face. 

How!?" I yelled at her

"It takes practice!" 

She took a turn which lead to the only house on the street. She owned a mansion! It had a water fountain out front the house was creme coloured with hints of black. Nora came beside my car and picked up her bag.

"Thanks for the drive!" She said 

"But I didn't drive you!" I said while turning my car off opening the door and walking beside her.

"I know that's cause I run home." 

"Yea I know that now! Tell me something I don't know." 

"Well I have my own work out room and a ring with a couple punching bags, and I have a running track." 

"Wow, do you mind if I check it out? Like of you don't want me to I can just lea-" I was cut short when she was tugging on my arm and she brought me inside. I didn't get enough time to look around, soon enough I was in a work out room. It had equipment everywhere, one wall was just a giant window.

Nora walked over to a yoga mat, rolled it out and started to do perfect push-ups. Yes Nora's doing push-ups!

"How?" I asked her she stopped and laid on her back. She sighed then looked at me intently.

"Can I trust you?" She asked she's going to tell me about her arm!

"Yes." I said firmly.

"Ok well I need to tell you a few things about me first, well I was a-"

Hey guys!! Cliffhanger!! Don't hate me XD you'll have to wait until next chapter...

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