Chapter 14

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"Father? I want to be like you when I'm older." My seven year old self said. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nora dear, only when your older and only if your heart desires it. You have to do something that will change your world for the good and the worse. But you my dear will do something great." My father said ruffling my hair. 

I smiled up at him, he always knew what to say, either when I was in the saddest part of my life or the happiest part of my life. He always shone the light that I followed. 

"You are reborn in every moment so who knows what you can do, or what you will do, you can be an astronaut for all I care. But promise me one thing, don't you ever give up on what you want to do, ok?" He asked me

"Yes! I promise." I said wrapping my small pinky around his larger one. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

I started gasping for air, my eyes were sealed shut and wouldn't open. I heard people yelling orders and machines were clanking against each other. So is this what hell is like?

I couldn't get air into my lungs so was I dying again?

Suddenly air filled my lungs and I could finally breath properly, but I couldn't open my eyes I couldn't move anything too. Something warm clasped my hand and started to stroke it, it felt nice.

"Come on Nora open your eyes, please?" Someone begged me, the voice sounded so familiar to me but I couldn't place it. 

"Nora please open them." They said over and over again. My eyes started to flutter then finally they opened to a bright light. I grunted and closed them again.

"No Nora keep them open!" They pleaded. For them and them only I opened my eyes and kept them open. I looked around and saw someone and the side of my bed. He had dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes, Cole!

"Oh my gosh Cole your in hell too!?" I shrieked clearly shocked he was dead too. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No Nora your alive, you barely pulled through." he said tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"B-but how?" I asked clearly shocked. 

"I-I don't know but at least your alive." He said with a slight smile, nurses started to pile into the room scurrying around and doing somethings to the machines. I never tore my eyes away from Cole's even though the nurses were getting on my nerves. 

"I know this might be too soon, but why did you want to die?" He asked me. I looked around the room to see that a couple of nurses are still in the room.

"I didn't want to die, I needed to. Do you see how much pain I am putting you guys through? We had a mini war with goons who claimed I killed their leader! Do you not see all the lives I put at risk? If only for once you opened your eyes and start seeing the things I see, if only you opened your eyes you could see the chaos, but please don't open them because then you won't be able to close them again." 

"Because if you do then you are reborn into hell." I finished off looking at a shocked Cole.

"So you would rather die and keep us safe than your own safety?" He asked me.

"Cole I feel the need to comfort those who lost someone, to help the ones in need, to try and heal the broken hearted. But the closest I got to that was becoming a marine and killing off the bad guys. So for once in my life I felt like I was doing something right, because believe my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, it's the total complete opposite."  

Cole seemed to be eating the words up and trying to make sense out of them. 

"Where are the others?" I asked 

"Waiting in the waiting room." He said looking down at his feet. I nodded my head even though I knew he couldn't see me. He stood up and looked around not meeting my gaze. 

"I'll go, you get some rest now." He said walking out and closing the door behind him. I tried to get comfortable on the thin bed but I couldn't find a good position. 

When I finally found a good position my eyes started to close, I didn't care if I never woke up again. 

Sorry it took long! I couldn't get on my account because I **looks down ashamed** I couldn't find my darn password. But I did find it because here I am and here it is! I hope you liked it I will try and update soon! BYE!!! 

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