Chapter 9:

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A/N: Sorry it's taking me so long to update...... I had a terrible cold then right after that i had HORRIBLE cramps and so i just now finished this chapter......... 

Anna’s POV

It’s been a few days since I woke up in the hospital. I left the hospital yesterday afternoon and am now lying in my bed at home. I’m in a lot of pain and most of the time the pain medicine does absolutely nothing. I try not to complain too much, but when the pain gets so bad all I can do is cry and pray the pain goes away I have to tell someone. Joey has taken the rest of the week off from work so he can stay home with me. I tried to get him to go to work telling him I would be fine by myself but we both knew that was a lie.

Max hasn’t been to see me since I got home, which I found very weird. From what the nurses told me Max and One Direction pretty much never left my bedside. The nurses always asked me if I was dating one of them. I said ‘no’…… Max and I are just really good friends and I only met Harry twice and come to think of it I don’t really know why One Direction was at my bedside all the time. I mean I don’t know any of them personally, and so what they were there when I got hit by the car it doesn’t give reason to be by my bedside as much as they possibly could. I even tried asking Joey and Max why they were so concerned about me, but I can NEVER get a straight answer.

The night before I was released the doctors wanted to talk to Joey and Max so I was left alone with Liam and Harry. I almost begged them to tell me why they were there in my hospital room, but they both just said to talk to Joey and he would explain. So when I did that I got a ‘not now’ in response. Joey promised he would tell me tonight at dinner so hopefully he isn’t lying and actually tells me.

I’m currently watching Season 1 of Pretty Little Liars. Max got me the box set of both season 1 and 2 for me to watch while I was stuck in bed. I believe I’m on episode 4, since I usually fall asleep half way through an episode and have to go back and watch it from where I fell asleep.

As I’m watching the episode some one knocks on my bedroom door. I picked up the remote and paused it so I wouldn’t miss something.

“Come in.” I said knowing it as probably just Joey.

“Hey!” Max smiled at me.

“O hey.” I smiled back.

“Well gee it’s great to see you as well.” He said while rolling his eyes.

“Sorry I was just expecting it to be Joey not you. Where is he?” I asked since it had been a little bit since he checked up on me.

“Um not right now that’s why I am here. He needed to run out real quick and get some things in order for work I think, so he needed me to stay with you. How is your pain today?” He asked. I could tell by the way he was talking fast that he was changing the subject from Joey for some reason. I don’t know why but I feel a lot of tension between them.

“From 1 to 10 and 10 being the worst probably a 7. The meds help sometimes, but if I sleep in a weird position I wake up in agonizing pain that doesn’t go away for an hour. My ribs probably hurt the most.”  I said knowing that would be his next question.

“Where have you been I haven’t seen you since I was released.” I added. Max got tense and started to bite on his bottom lip nervously.

“What are you hiding from me?” I asked him.

“Why do I feel like you and Joey are hiding something from me? It’s really pissing me off just freaking tell me.” I snapped at him when he didn’t say anything. Max was startled by my voice for a second, but he recovered and sat down next to me.

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