Chapter 31:

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A/N: I want to thank @HarryIsASexyBeast94 for making me a new cover for this story..... I freaking LOVE IT! Thank you for all of the votes on the last chapter.... the last i saw it was at 14, so thank you so much... plus thank you for the comments as well i LOVE reading them, some of them crack me up!

Anna’s POV

Harry and I were now standing in front of Louis’ hotel room, and Harry was waiting for me to knock.

“Why can’t you knock?” I asked him with raised eyebrows.

“Why can’t you?” he asked back with a smirk on his face.

“Why don’t I just let you both inside?” Louis laughed while opening the door.

“Oops! I guess he heard us.” Harry whispered in my ear.

“Really?” I asked sarcastically, while I rolled my eyes at him. That just caused him to laugh out loud before covering his mouth real quick.

“What’s funny?” Eleanor asked us.

“Harry is being stupid.” I said in a matter-of-factly- tone.

“That’s normal.” Louis chuckled.

“HEY!” Harry shouted at his best mate.

“Not that we mind, but what are you two doing here?” Eleanor asked Harry and myself.

“I mind.” Louis winked at Eleanor. Eleanor smacked his arm, while Louis and Harry just laughed. I just tried to ignore what he just hinted that him and Eleanor would have been doing if Harry and I didn’t come over.

“Anyways, we wanted to talk to you.” Harry said looking right at Louis. I saw Eleanor’s eyes go wide.

“Can I talk to you Anna real quick?” She asked, but she didn’t wait for an answer she grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her.

“Why are you telling him? You said nothing was going on between you and Harry, so why are you telling him?” Eleanor whispered to me.

“Harry wants to tell him. I don’t care to tell him.” I said truthfully. Harry had the idea of telling Louis that were are ‘talking’ to each other.

“Okay. Hopefully he doesn’t flip.” She whispered the last part to herself as she walked out of the bathroom.

“Everything alright?” Harry asked with concerned eyes.

“I guess.” I said. Louis was sitting on his bed and Eleanor was now sitting next to him.

“Soooo.” Louis said dragging out his words like a little kid. I looked up at Harry, not really knowing what to say or do right now.

“I like Anna.” Harry blurted out.

“Yeah I know you are great friends.” Louis said.

“No I REALLY like Anna.” Harry said ‘really’ a little louder. I saw Louis knit his eyebrows together like he was thinking before his face went as red as a tomato.

“WHAT?” He shouted. I jumped back behind Harry a little scared of his out burst. I really hate yelling.

“Nothing’s happened yet, we are just trying to get to know each other.” Harry said calmly.

“I’m supposed to believe that?” Louis snapped at Harry.

“Well yeah, because it’s the truth.” Harry said trying his best to remain calm, but I could see that his shoulders were tensing up.

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