Chapter 23:

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A/N: So this is the last update until at least Monday….. I am spending the day with BFFL and then tomorrow I’m going to the ONE DIRECTION CONCERT WOOOOOOO!!!! I’m so excited :D eep! Anyways this chapter is REALLY long to make up for me not posting for the weekend… Love ya all…..

Anna’s POV

“Did you have fun with Zoe?” Louis asked as I walked into his flat.

“Louis it’s 1 in the morning were you waiting up for me?” I asked him.

“You did give me a key to your flat for a reason.” I added. He looked nervous and uncomfortable.

“I was just making sure you got home okay.” He said nervously.

“If I wasn’t so shattered I would probably yell at you for treating me like a little kid, but I’m tired and want to go to bed. I will see you in a few hours.” I said before walking past him and up to the room I’ve kind of started calling mine.

“Night.” I heard him say. I walked into my room and took the clothes I’m wearing on the plane out of my suitcase. Since I’m only wearing sweatpants and a tank top I decided just to wear those to bed tonight so I don’t have to worry about getting up earlier just to get dressed. I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and jumped in and took a shower. I wasn’t planning on taking a long shower, but since I’m so nervous about the plane ride and everything else that comes along with traveling with one of the biggest boy bands in the world all summer I needed to relax. I only take long showers when I’m stressed or extremely upset, other then that I’m usually in and out in less then 20 minutes.

After I got out of the shower I put on some clean underwear, bra, and then my sweatpants and tank top. I know most women don’t wear a bra when they sleep, but I’m weird so I do. After I got dressed I brushed my teeth and hair. Before I went back into the bedroom I grabbed all my bathroom stuff and packed it back up and put it into my suitcase. I plugged my phone charger into the wall and plugged my phone into it. I got myself under the duvet and turned the lights off. I was just getting comfortable when my phone vibrated on the nightstand. I groaned and rolled over to see who the hell was texting me this late at night.

HARRY: Sorry if this wakes you up. I just wanted to say goodnight and I will see you soon ;) Xxx

I blushed slightly as I read his text over and over again.  What’s up with this text we just saw each other like an hour ago. I pressed respond and stared at the blank screen trying to figure out how to respond………

Before I knew it I my alarm was going off telling me I needed to get up. I sat up completely startled.

“Shit.” I said to myself as I saw I feel asleep while trying to figure out how to respond to Harry’s text message. I hope he doesn’t think I just ignored it… Wait! Why do I care if he thinks that or not? UGH!

“Anna are you up?” Louis asked knocking on my door.

“Yea, just about ready to go.” I said. It was true I just needed to brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a messy bun. I wasn’t putting any make-up on for a 10-hour flight it just seems stupid to do.

--------------Harry’s POV--------------

The lads, Anna, and I have been at the airport for about 2 hours now. Ever since we got here (in separate cars) I’ve been trying to avoid Anna. I sent her a text last night once I got home and she never responded. I know she got it cause it said it was read. So she just read it and didn’t respond back to me. I don’t know what her problem is.

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