☓☓ chapter twenty-nine ☓☓

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[A picture I found online at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

☓☓ chapter twenty-nine ☓☓
[Third Person's POV]


This was the... Ninth time this month.

Or was it the tenth?

It occurred too many times that she's lost count.

Different emotions swept through Leia, making her pause.

Currently, she was halfway in the process of peeling open an envelope.

Or should she say, the envelope.

But the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach stopped her.

It's not your letter. You have no right to invade someone else's privacy. Is this even legal?

But there is no sign of any address on the envelop! Nothing at all! She countered, frustrated with herself.

But so were the previous few letters left in the mailbox anonymously.

Yet, that did not seem to bother her much.

Leia has been going through these letters discreetly for the past month, for it piqued her curiosity.

Initially, she sorted out the letter as 'junk', as there was no form of contact on it.

No address, no name, nada.

In fact, she did not even bother paying any attention to it, thinking that it was a silly person trying to make her life difficult.

However, after a few more identical envelopes were found in the mail, curiosity eventually killed the cat.

She simply could not stand it any longer.

Who could?

Ah, screw it! If I keep this to myself, they would never know! No one! Plus, these letters would be thrown away eventually. She finally decided.

And so, on she continued to tear the envelope apart, pulling out the piece of foolscap paper.

After unfolding it carefully, she glanced through the words once briefly.

Neat, she thought.

Once she started reading, she found herself unable to stop.

Dear Skylett,

Ever since your passing, I've come to the conclusion that fairytales are just a figment of our imagination; it is what we hope to have and what we wish for to happen. Unfortunately for us, we can't and never will be able to experience our happily ever after.

Sure, there might be a Prince Charming or a princess somewhere out there, but there would always be an invisible force that somehow still manages to break them apart eventually. At the end of the day, we are left with nothing but a broken heart to mend.

Tragic, isn't it?

But today, I've learnt that although bad omens are usually inevitable, we can still make the most out of them.

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