☓☓ chapter fifteen ☓☓

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[Picture of Amanda at the side]

☓☓ chapter fifteen ☓☓

Pain. Guilt. Numbness.

I've managed to ignore all calls and texts sent to me, and focus solely on the math assignment placed in front of me.

I must really be losing my mind.

Who the hack does their homework, especially math, after rejecting a guy?

Me, of course.

But I'm positive that my answers are a bunch of crap. I can't even concentrate at all!

It's Asher's match today, that I'm obviously aware of.

No, hold on. It isn't just a match. It's the match that determines whether they will be able to make it into the championships or not.

Even though my heart is screaming for me to get up from my bed and explain everything to him, my brain keeps telling me otherwise, and refuses to bulge at all.

Actually, I've been in this position since morning, when mum has allowed me to take the day off.

On any other day, I would've been gloating and announcing it to the entire world.

However, this isn't 'any other day', and who would I announce it to?

I don't even know if they still consider me as their friend, after what has happened the other day.

They must be thinking that I'm crazy.

Anyways, I'm too emotionally and physically drenched to care about anything now.

All I can do is send a silent message to Asher via my heart, and hopefully, he will receive my message to him; Good luck for the game, Ashy boy.


☓☓ Asher's POV ☓☓

Today is the final match that will determine our fate.

More like our school's soccer team's fate - of whether we will get into the championships or not.

All throughout the day, I've been sulking the entire way. People shoot me weary glances when they walk pass me in the hallways, in the cafeteria and in my classes, and keep a distance away from me.

Good choice of action lads, because I'm not in the mood to deal with humans as of now.

Or later. Maybe even forever.

During practice in the morning, yes you've heard me right; Morning - as in early in the morning before the sun even rises at seven bloody a.m, I got reprimanded by coach and was made to run laps because, and I quote, 'wasn't paying attention and giving my fullest'.

I'm alright with runs, but seriously, who the hell has the fucking energy to sprint in the goddamn morning?

Well, excluding those joggers that enjoy morning runs of course.

Even the gang's quiet around me, most probably afraid of me blowing my top. I don't even know why I'm so angry today.

It must be my PMS acting up.

And by the gang, I mean everyone except for Sky, since she isn't even in school today.

Yes, I've been looking for her. Why? I don't even know either.

Who says you can't continue to like someone even after they've rejected you, huh?

Life is full of obstacles, and you can't give up just because of a set back. Or in my case, -

Okay, I'll stop with my random thoughts. I'm really losing my sanity.

I've tried prying some information out of Am, and even bribed her with chocolates and hell, even proposed to purchase a $50 band hoodie for her, but she said that she didn't know either.

Even if she knows the answer, I bet she won't tell me.

Said something about 'girl's code' or something.

My ass.

I mean, it doesn't even make sense for crying out loud!

When the bell finally rings after sitting through an hour of Chemistry, I shoot up from seat and head straight to the locker room to change.

Even though I've been waiting for this day for a really, really long time, I can't even find the motivation to play at all.

I may sound really girly now, but it seriously feels as though one part of me is taken away by her, and I feel broken now.

Oh fuck it. What have you done to me Skylett Dawson?

Is this how girls react when guys break up with them?

You know, sulking the entire day and acting as though you hate the whole world?

Or should I also eat some ice cream, watch A Walk To Remember with River, and cry together?

That's more like it right?

Just kidding. Like hell I would do that.

I got out of the room, met up with the guys and soon, practice started.

Let's just get this day over and done with.



That's our current score.

Two belonging to their other school.

As you can see, we are losing fucking miserably.

"GRAYSON! What's with you today? You were not even focusing!" Coach exploded, screaming at me.

What's with me today? I have no idea either.

Instead of forming a reply, I lowered my head and bit my lips. Suddenly, the ground became the most interesting thing to look at.

Oh look. The grass is so green and hey look! There are -

"Asher! Look at me when I'm speaking to you." Coach snapped.

With a sigh, I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry for not focusing. I just... I promise to give it my best shot now."

With a tight nod, the frustration in his eyes slowly faded away, and he gathered everyone around for a short while before the second half begins.

After the pep talk, dad waved me over.

I jogged over to him and waited for him to say something.

"Right, son. I know you're not in a good mood right now, but you shouldn't let a girl destroy your dreams. I'm not saying that she's not worth it, because she definitely is a nice person, but you should put all negative thoughts away first. Focus on what's happening now. Which means, you should focus on your game right now. Championship, remember?"


Oh right, that's the only reason why I've been training so hard for these past few weeks.

Hell, even months.

So why aren't I working harder now?

Why aren't I kicking asses instead of being kicked?

Isn't that what I've always wanted to do since soccer was first introduced to me?

With a newfound determination, a smile, or should I say, the first smile of the day, made its way to my face.

"I'll do you proud, dad."

"You better. Now run along, kid. Don't let your old man down."

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