☓☓ chapter sixteen ☓☓

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☓☓ chapter sixteen ☓☓

I've promised to accompany Am to the hospital together. So keeping to my word, I've woken up on time today.

I had initially planned to sulk at home for the whole of Sunday. However, the fact that we've managed to kick some asses that day really improved my mood by a little.

At least we get to compete in the championships now.

I've been itching to give Sky a call or hell, even go to her house and find her for explanations, but my huge ego got the better of me.

Pride. The one thing that always ruins everything.

Maybe I'll just do it later, or tomorrow in school. That is if she actually turns up.

Now I'm starting to procrastinate.

Procrastination. The one thing that is never good, except disadvantageous because the implied meaning of procrastination is delaying doing something that should be completed on time. What advantage can one gain if he postpones doing necessary things?

Uh huh! Nothing, that's why -

Oh god. Stop rambling.

When did I turn into a fucking human encyclopedia?


"See you later, brother dearest. Bye!"

Am sung, and with that, ran out of the lift and straight into Jordan's open arms.

Of course. Choosing her new boy over her brother.

I am not even sure if they are together yet. But with the way they're acting around each other, it's pretty obvious.

I will make sure to grill her for details later.

No, I'm not being a gossip queen. Just being a protective brother over here and making sure she's not taken advantage of.

When the lift stopped at my level, I strolled out and headed towards the usual ward.

To my surprise, someone was already there.

No, not Sky.

It was none other than the queen bitch of all bitches from my school.

She was sitting on one of the plastic chairs the hospital provide, and scrutinizing her painted nails.

My presence was only noticed after a kid screamed out my name, and lounged hinself at me.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" I let out a chuckle when he hugged my legs, and ruffled his hair.

"I'm good but I'm bored! Can we go and play now?" He gazed up at me through his thick lashes and pouted adorably.

Ah, kids.

"Sure. Right after all of you finish your meals." I agreed, and he nodded excitedly, before sprinting off to his other friends.

I exchanged a few handshakes and hugs with the other kids before leaving the room to collect their meals.

It was only after exiting the ward that I remembered Chelsea's presence.

You can totally see how important her existence is to me.

"Oh, hey, Chelsea! What are you doing here?" I gasped with fake kindness, and even widened my eyes for extra effect.

Goodness. I am acting like a mean girl now.

"I'm here because I'm forced to. Don't think I'm coming for you." She sneered, narrowing her eyes at me.

The devil has finally revealed her inner self. I always knew she was one fake ass bitch. Guess I'm right.

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