Chapter twenty-five

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‘life is like a multiple choice question. Sometimes the choices confuse you, not the question itself.’

“Princess, princess, princess.” I hurried through the library, towards the exit, while Guy rushed after me. I had decided I should eat my lunch in the library, just so I could stay away from Guy. But somehow, the moment I finished my sandwich and I was about to get up for my next class. He stood there, only a few feet away from me. The smirk on his face was big, his eyes were laughing and his attitude was strong and confident. I grabbed my bag and tried to walk away from him as fast as possible. But with every step I took I could hear his whisper getting closer.

“Princess.” I was getting mad, how could he be such a dick and ruin my every school day again and again. I turned around and stopped, I felt his body crush into mine but I kept my balance and stared at Guy as he stumbled back. He was confused and shocked, while I remained mad.

“What?” I hissed, a little bit louder than what I was going for.

“What’s wrong?” I snapped my head back up, looked at the ceiling as I tried to catch some breath. I bit my lip and looked back at him.

“You, you, ugh you.” I threw my hands up and down while I pointed at him. “You are wrong, you mess with my brain.” I squeezed my eyes as I grabbed my head like it was about to fall off.

“I do what?” He took a step closer and frowned at me, I stepped back realizing it was better if I had some space to breath.

“You come in with your perfect smile and the sweet things you say, and you make me feel special and everything feels perfect. Then somehow you snap get all dirty and player like and you make me so disgusted with you. I can’t stop thinking about you and how I want to be with you, but when I am with you the only thing I want to do is run away.” I tried to massage my temples but I could feel my heart pounding and it only made things worse. “You mess with my head.” I let my hands fall next to my body as I took in his reaction. He was just as confused as I was.

“I mess with your head? You’ve got to be kidding me?” I looked at him, stopped breathing and frowned at him. “You act like you want me and I’m the only one you want, you’re so sweet and fun and you don’t care about things I do. You make me feel like I don’t have to doubt the person I am, but when I get closer to you, you take a step back. Suddenly I’m this stuck up bastard, who has no feelings and who you can just use all the time you want. Well let me tell you something you obviously don’t know, I have feelings. I have feelings for you.” And I started breathing again, but not in a good way. I could feel the air rushing into my longs, but I didn’t feel the oxygen rushing towards my brain to make me think clear again. I was confused, everything had stopped making sense and the world was spinning around me.

“What did you say?” It barely came out of my mouth, but when he let out a deep sigh and turned around to walk away I knew he had heard me. There I stood as he walked away from me, he bowed down his head and put his hands in his pocket.

“I know you have feelings, and I would be lying to you and to myself if I said I didn’t have feelings for you. But my life is a mess right now, and you and Damon aren’t making things better. I have to sort my feelings out before I can do or say anything.” I said as I rushed up to him. He stopped walking looked at me and slowly put his hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t leave me hanging, Jamey.” And he walked away again, this time I let him. He was right, I shouldn’t keep him hanging and neither should I keep Damon hanging. Neither of them deserve it. But I was also right myself, I don’t know what I want or what I’m feeling. Maybe I should let them both go or maybe it is indeed time for me to choose.

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