Chapter 20

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I sit as far from my mother as I can and when I have to look at her, my eyes have hate in them. I will never forgive her for this. The anthem starts playing and it startles me. I jump 6 inches but Prim grabs my hands. I need Peeta to be here with me, but I know he won’t be. He respects what people have to say way too much. President Snow is on the T.V. now and talking into the microphone.
“And now, we will be announcing the Quarter Quell!” He exclaims and gets a roar of cheers from the Capitol citizens. A little girl walks out with a small container. She opens it and Snow reaches for a card. He reads it.
“Now, to prove to the rebels that the strongest among them can be easily killed, and easily broken down, each district will have a reaping bowl of the Victors and only their closest friends and family. The boy tributes and girl tributes names will be in the same bowl this year.” He says. What? What did he just say!? I look around and I see everyone’s faces as they reach the conclusion. My mother gasps, Rory grabs Prim’s hand and her other one is covering her face while she cries. I still don’t understand though. What does it mean? Then, Peeta runs in and I know it must mean something bad for him to disobey my mother. He scoops me up and holds me in his arms. My mother doesn’t say anything and now I’m worried.
“Wait, I don’t understand. What is the Quell?” I ask no one imparticular. Peeta leans back and looks me in the eyes.
“Katniss, it means that-” He hesitates crying. “It means that the Reaping bowl will have all of our names in it. Prim, me, Rory, Gale, Haymitch, Madge, Rosemary, and worse of all, you. It also means that any of us could be going in. Most likely they will rig it too. Katniss, I’m sorry. I put you and the baby in danger.” He says still crying but trying to be strong for me. I start crying to and my knees buckle from under me. This is what I always feared. My kid dying to the hands of the Capitol. Now, the baby may not even see the real world. And if it does, it won’t meet its dad because if I live, Peeta will die. And Prim. I turn to see Rory has his arms around her and I’m only worrying about myself. No, not again. I promised nothing would hurt her ever again. No!
“Prim, come here.” I say. She looks up and I see her eyes are red and tears down her face.
“Remember when you got back and I promised you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you again?” I ask her.
“Katniss, you never saw this coming. I got lucky the first time but this time, but I’m going to die this time. If you got picked, I would volunteer in a heartbeat.” She says. No, please Prim.
“Prim no. I won’t let you do that.” I tell her.
“Katniss, I want you to have the baby. To be a good mother. If it’s Peeta and myself again, I want him to see his baby and be a father. I want this Katniss.” She says. I can feel more tears slipping down my cheeks.
“Prim. I love you too much to do that. No, I won’t let you.” I say.
“Katniss, now is not the time to talk about it. Soon okay?” She says. I nod. I hug her tight and when I release her, I go back to Peeta. He holds me there, and then releases me.
“I have to go, I’m sorry Katniss.” He says.
“Where are you going?” I ask really worried now.
“I’m not allowed to be here Katniss.” He says.
“Mom, either he stays, or I’m going with him. And since I’m sure Prim will want me here, you better think before speaking.” I say coldly.
“Fine, he can stay. But the bedroom door stays open.” She says. I can’t believe her. After what we just found out and she is acting like this. But then, she walks to me and puts her arms around me. I slowly hug her back and I know all is forgiven for both of us. I feel relieved when she lets go.
“Peeta, can we go to bed?” I ask him.
“Don’t you want your cheese buns? They are probably almost done.” He says.
“No, I just want to go to bed now.” I say.
“I’ll turn off the oven.” Prim says. We walk upstairs and into the bedroom. I go in and take a shower, but I turn on the fireplace in my room before I do. The warm glow made me feel better on nights Peeta was on tour and wasn’t with me, and I would need a lot of comforting now. I finish my shower and walk out to find him by the fireplace. I walk over to him and hold his hand.
“Katniss, if somehow we are still alive this time next year, I want us to already be married. I want to see what it’s like to call you my wife.” He says. I don’t understand though. But when he pulls out the piece of bread, I get it. He wants to get married tonight. He toasts the bread in the fireplace and when it’s ready, he pulls it out. He tears it in half, and we say already written vowels. And I realize, I’m actually getting married.
“I Peeta Mellark, take you Katniss Everdeen, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness. As long as we both shall live.”  He says to me. Then it’s my turn.
“I Katniss Everdeen, take you Peeta Mellark, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness. As long as we both shall live.” I say to him. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out two rings. He hands me one and he slides one onto my finger. I slide the one her gave me onto his finger. We eat the bread and seal everything with a kiss. Then he whispers to me.
“So tell me, how does it feel to have a husband, Mrs. Mellark?”

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