Chapter 35

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***Katniss's POV***
Prim is walking onto the stage and is smiling. To everyone else, that's an excited smile. To me, her sister, it's the fakest smile she has ever had. I sit next to Gale on the couch with my mother on the chair. He came over to see his brother's interview and so we could have the comfort of each other since we know what the other is going through. She walks to Ceaser and sits down in the chair next to him. They talk about a few things, but Prim looks distracted with something. Ceaser finally asks the question I'm sure many people are wondering.
"Prim, what's wrong. What is going through your mind?" He asks softly.
"Well Ceaser it's just. My sister Katniss. She is at home right now waiting for the baby to be born. Peeta won't be able to see his baby right away and I probably won't see her at all." She says.
"I can see why that would bother you so much Prim. I'm deeply sorry." Ceaser says to her.
"It's not just that either." She says.
"What else is it?" Ceaser asks.
"Well, I found out only today that, for the longest time, I had a brother in law. Katniss and Peeta already got married. Privately of course. No one knew until now." She says looking at the ground. I look at the T.V screen in shock with my mouth open. My mother looks at it as well and Gale... He is looking at me. Actually, my left hand to be exact. He is looking at the ring. The ring that he has missed these last few months. The ring that no one has noticed before. My wedding ring. He looks at me with anger but before he can say anything, we hear Prim on the T.V.
"This is all crap! These Games are tearing my family and everyone else's families apart! How can the Capitol just do this? How can we even have a nation when our government kills kids every year! Tell me how it keeps us in line? Tell me right now Ceaser!" She screams standing out of her chair. She looks to the audience.
"And all of you sick, low lives! How do you enjoy watching teenagers get killed! Rooting for your favorites and crying when they finally die! What do you expect to happen! How can you watch the Districts starve while you throw out food every blessed day?" She screams at them. I gasp in horror as I realize what she is saying. Prim, shut up! I look at Gale and my mother and they look at me. We all stand up as Prim is finishing. I realize she is mad just like we all are, but this will get her killed for sure. All we can do is watch helplessly as she rants on and on about how horrible our nation is. Then, we see an explosion in the studio on T.V and Prim is thrown across the stage. I see through the cloud of dust, President Snow himself.
"Enough!" He yells over the crowed and all is quiet. Two peacekeepers form beside him.
"Get her!" He yells pointing to Prim. She tries to get up to run, but the peacekeepers get her before she can get away. I scream at the top of my lungs and the tears run out of my eyes. That's when we hear people at our door. So many people, either people we know or people we don't know rush in, and I'm still screaming. Gale is by my side and is trying to comfort me. It won't work though.
"PRIM! PRIM! What are you thinking! Prim!" I yell and people are trying to snap me out of my daze. We hear something outside and we run to see what it is. We look up and see Capitol hovercrafts above the District. We see the bottoms start to open and things are falling out of them. When the first one hits, the entire hob blows up and we realize what is happening. They are destroying us like they did 13.

What if Katniss Didn't Volunteer: Catching Fire (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz