MMRM | Extra Chapter

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© Itwasonlyadream801


MMRM | Extra Chapter

"The True Heir Of The Blue Orion Pack:
Desmond Valise Richards' Past"

Many, many years ago...

"Mavric!! Mavric!!" Theresa Richards called out desperately, her hazel eyes were filled with worry and she was breathing in fast.

"What is it, love?" Alpha Mavric Richards asked. His worry was evident in voice as he stared at his mate, checking her from head to toe just to see if anything was wrong. He felt his wolf send a wave of satisfaction once he knew that his mate wasn't injured in any way.

"Your son!" Theresa exclaimed while raising her hands up in the air.

Alpha Mavric Richards smiled in amusement at his mate.

"Where did he even go?" Theresa asked. Her motherly senses were full on worry. Her wolf is getting restless because of her pup.

" know...boys will be boys. He will be safe. I've installed guards to watch him and keep him safe. Do not worry, love." Mavric said as he went to approach his lovely mate.

He kissed her forehead and sighed.

'I'm love.' He thought to himself and closed his eyes as he remebered.

"Mavric! Mavric please don't leave me. I love you. Please!" Lezabel pleadingly said.

"I'm sorry...but I've found my mate. You and I both know that this was bound to happen. I'm sorry..."

"No! You cannot do this to me! I love you, Mavric. You're mine! Mine and mine alone." Lezabel kneeled as she begged for him not to go.

Mavric sighed.

" and'll never work. I have found my mate. My Luna...the mother of my future pups.."

Lezabel shook her head in denial. She then brought up her last card.

"I am pregnant." She said.

Mavric froze.

"Mavric. I am pregnant and it is yours." She said. Then stood up. "So you can't leave me. Reject her! Reject your mate and be with me. I carry your pup. Not her. Please Mavric."

"I-I..." Mavric stuttered.

How could he have been so careless?

He cant lose his mate! Now that he have waited for so long to meet her.

"I'm sorry, Lezabel....but its over. I can arrange for a doctor to— "

"NO!" shouted Lezabel.

"You will not take my child! He is your blood." Lezabel cried.

Mavric went to approach her but she vanished in thin air.

'What was that?' He asked himself in bewilderment.

Only after a few years did he realized that Lezabel was a witch.

A very powerful witch.


The voice of his lovely mate shook him out of his reverie.

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