Chapter 10 | Beta Valise

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Chapter 10 | Beta Valise

It was probably in the middle of the night when Luna Oswald felt terror and sadness rush through the pack bond that she shares with her pack members. It made her jump awake and immediately dashed outside her room to enter the room beside her.

One of her pack member is in pain.


She ran towards his room and opened the door.

It was never locked.

Desmond never locks his door....the reasons are his own.

She closed the door and locked it this time.

There she saw Beta Valise's human form twisting and turning around the bed sheets, his hands kept on alternately grasping the sheets and letting them go.

"No, no, nooo," Beta Valise's voiced out softly. "don't leave me, please don't do this to me, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" He screamed.

The tendons on his neck were now visible as he continued to twist and turn, tears were starting to leak on his tightly closed eyes. Hurt and denial ricocheted from him in waves and Luna Oswald could bare no more.

She slowly approached the bed and sat down, she lifted her right hand and slowly tapped Beta Valise's right cheek. When he didn't stir, she continued to tap him once more and then his eyes finally opened.

They looked dazed and lost then his eyes took a vibrant yellow color, as his eyes finally reached her recognition lit up in his eyes. Beta Valise immediately sat up and embraced her tightly, his body was still slightly shaking from the nightmare he had.

"She left me again. She left me all alone, I tried to stop her. I-I didn't mean it, I was sorry." Beta Valise said in a low whisper.

"Did you dream of her again?" Luna Oswald questioned.

"Yes, I's just this time. It felt so it really was happening. It was a nightmare." Desmond closed his eyes and willed his beating heart to calm down.

"Don't worry, Des. I'm here. I'll always save you from nightmares." Luna Oswald smiled.

Desmond stilled and he felt his heart skip a beat.

Goddess she is beautiful...

"I know you will, Ava. I know you will." He said then smiled.

'Please, Ava...just realize. Imagine us together...I love you.'  Beta Valise said to himself longingly.

He's the older brother that she had ever wished for. The guy who always protected her. The guy besides from Alpha Richards to ever reach her heart. She loved Sylvan dearly and Desmond as close as she can love someone without it ever being considered as the love of a lover.

She loved him like a brother.

And that is all.

She just wished that she could protect him from his nightmares and from the mysterious lady that keeps on leaving him.

Luna Oswald thought that perhaps it could've been his mother.

He did told her once upon a long time ago that his mother left him to his father.

He never saw her again...

For all the years that they were together Beta Valise never shared anything about his mother, much less his father. It always seems that darkness would take over his eyes and he would tense subtly, he would become guarded and just offer you a tight smile.

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