48 Hours: Desmond Miles x Reader

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You hadn't spoken with Desmond in over forty-eight hours. It felt like longer, days or weeks, and despite your protests it didn't seem like anyone was going to change it. He had been strapped down in the Animus, reliving another memory that you didn't care about. You didn't care about the past. You cared about that moment, the long and stressful moment that seemed to stretch itself thinner and thinner.

Desmond's body began reacting to reality, small little impulses in his brain triggered his fingers to flinch. His brows dove downwards and his eyes clenched until he finally opened them, glancing languidly about. His attention settled on you, lips twitching into a smirk.

Rebecca ran her fingers over a few keys in quick easy strokes. "All done for the day." She stood up and tossed you a sly glance before sneaking off down the hall. She had put up with your constant berating, your worried questions, and irritated sighs since early that morning when you had learned about Desmond's two day quest.

"You're a lovely sight to wake up to." He groaned, stiffly sitting up in the Animus, his hand flying up to nurse his headache.

"Don't get cute with me." You rushed forward and hooked your arm around his back, helping him swing his legs over the side of the machine. "How could you agree to this without talking to me first?"

"You weren't exactly here," he chided.

Your voice nearly cracked but you forced yourself to steady it, "I haven't seen you in days, Desmond. Days."

He grinned while slipping his arms around your waist, holding you where you were. His hands felt large as they encased your back, moving in long smooth circles across the tense muscle. "Technically... I'm the one who hasn't actually seen you in days..."

Your brows caved beneath worry. "Des."

His voice dropped to a whisper, a soft and sweet sound, "Hey. I'm sorry... I missed you."

"Never again." You tried to stay resolute, determined to be angry about it but the way Des looked at you.

He had those gentle puppy eyes, the way his lips pouted... "Babe." Desmond stood up, his arms tightening around you. He leaned forward, his breath tickling against your lips. "I've got a kiss with your name on it."

You snorted and tried to playfully shove him away but Desmond pulled you closer. "Desmond Miles. If you ever--" Your words jumbled together, your mind unraveling as he peppered a kiss on the corner of your mouth. "Des..." Your eyes slipped closed.

He brushed softer kisses over the bridge of your nose. "I've waited to do this for so long."

You melted against him and stepped closer until your two bodies pressed towards one another, a magnetic and unrelenting force naturally drawn to be near one another. "I was... scared."

"I know." He settled his lips on your forehead, letting the peaceful moment ease over the both of you. "I'll be careful. Promise."

"You better." You craned your neck so that you could get a look at his expression but the courage in your words faded. He looked tired, the Animus having drained what mental energy he had. "I can't lose you."

His smile was weakened with exhaustion, sleep clinging to the corners of his eyes. "You're not. I'm not going anywhere."

"Come on. You need some sleep and so do I." You tried to step back, to lead him towards the bedroom, but his arms were locked securely around you.

"Not yet. Please." He pressed his forehead onto yours, those deep brown eyes gazing into yours. "I haven't seen you in days, remember."

You relented, eager to lean against him, to support each other. "A little longer then."

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