Dating the Assassins

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Altair is constantly working whether he's tracking down the next target or trying to rebuild the Order. But when he does get the opportunity to take time off, he grabs you and the closest pair of horses. He takes you far from Masyaf and any Assassin Bureau to ensure the little vacation isn't disturbed (and I'm certain he threatened anyone who dared). You spend the next few days at some desert oasis, sipping on mint tea and burying your feet in the soft lushness of grass. Altair takes the quiet moment to sketch his surroundings but mostly pictures of you.

Ezio needs grand gestures, more for himself than for you. He needs to prove to the world and everyone watching that you're important to him. So, he takes you to the finest restaurant to dine, ordering expensive wines and hiring a minstrel to sing songs. After the dinner, he travels with you through the markets trying to buy every item you give the slight attention. After all of the over extravagance, Ezio enjoys most the pampering done at home with more wine and rich desserts.

Ratonhnhaké:ton overthinks everything that has to do with you. So the whole date idea frightens the hell out of him. Staying home together without anyone or anything to distract is ideal. He loves most being able to start the fireplace, to grab the softest blankets and pillows in the house and gather them together into a large pile. He assembles your favorite snacks, ensuring you never have to leave the room or his side for the rest of the night. He spends his time memorizing your features, letting his fingers trace bone and skin while you talk about your day.

Edward isn't known for being in an actual relationship but he's learned from his mistakes and knows how to spoil someone he truly loves. Going to the tavern for fun is one thing but a true date, he makes sure it's just the two of you alone. He leads you for walks on the beach, retelling stories he's heard from other sailors, until the two of you reach some empty shack where both food and rum are waiting. He spends the rest of the evening and night with you, well into the morning when you finally have to return to the ship.

Arno is first a bit nervous and rigid, taking you to cafes and restaurants to dine with unpracticed propriety. It isn't until you make him smile or laugh that he eases into the date, reaching across the table to stroke your hand with his. He convinces you to leave the restaurant with him, calling it boring and plain. Instead he sneaks you into the largest cathedral, climbing the steps to the highest of its towers to watch the city below shift from the bustle of day to the soft haze of night.

Shay always manages to set aside his duties as a Templar long enough to take you traveling. He wants to visit every continent that has an open port, even if that means taking a job in a foreign land just for the excuse to go there. He eagerly tastes the foods with you, taking you from one street vendor to the next, strolling through the maze of markets and bazaars. Even when he doesn't speak the language, he's all smiles and laughs, connecting with each person he comes across.

Haytham is more than eager to host a symposium at his home, using it as an excuse to invite you into his house and further into his life. He also enjoys the arts so when your relationship becomes more set in stone he takes you to the next showing at the opera house or symphony. What he enjoys most, is the subtle way of showing you around in public, secretly delighted to hook his arm with yours to claim you in the public eye. He spends most of the evening whispering his sassy and snarky comments in your ear, making you giggle and others raise brows.

Desmond, surprisingly, loves road trips and nature. Most dates are out on the town but, at the first opportune moment, he's dragging you cross country to view one natural landmark after the next. He brings his camera and takes pictures of everything whether it's you standing next to some statue or eating your next meal. He's more than willing to stargaze, falling asleep with you in his arms while snuggled up nicely in a sleeping bag.

Shaun loves history and there's nothing quite as endearing as museums filled to the brim with knowledge. He takes you to the museum's archives where dusty tomes and firsthand accounts are waiting to be read. He has access to the artifacts that have only just been entered into museum's inventory, unseen by human eyes since their finding. Even with all his connections, from curators to professors, a quaint little bookshop suits him just as delightfully. He enjoys the scent of paper both fresh and aging. He lounges in the store with a book in hand, your head leaning against his shoulder while you silently read your own book.

Jacob is rowdy and loud and he wants everyone in the pub to know he's there. He's taken you to pubs and fight clubs, encouraging you to be just as rambunctious as him. He's there to not only show off but to show you off to the rest of the world, more than happy to be smashed while doing it. After all the time he spends with the Rooks, however, he's more delighted to be alone with you. He takes you down to the Thames, finding some quiet spot to look out over the water together, boasting about the last mission or cracking some joke.

Evie is a romantic at heart. So, when you finally manage to pry her away from her vigilant research, she's more than happy to stroll through the park or talk quietly over cake and tea. But at the end of the day, she just wants someone to snuggle against her while reading her favorite novella. She loves narrating the story aloud, enthusiastically acting out dialogue and scenes. And when she's comfortable enough, she even shares that she's secretly been writing her own series of novellas.

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