The Boys

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You were so furious and angry that you barely managed to get the key into the slot. You shoved opened the front door to your apartment and slammed it shut behind you. You kicked off your sneakers and tossed your purse into the corner by the door, hardly caring that some of its contents spilled. You slammed your keys onto the small table and marched down the hall towards your bedroom, passing the scrutiny of your roommates.

You threw the bathroom door closed behind you and locked it. You had worked all day, the noise of customers ringing in your ears, the droning sounds of the city in the background. Worst of all it was Thanksgiving and your feet ached, your back was stiff from standing all day. Your skull felt brittle as you let down your hair, pulled too taut that morning when you got dressed.

There came a loud knock on the door, the boys outside muttering and arguing with each other. You didn't want to talk to them. Not yet anyway. You just wanted a long hot bath to clear your head and to be alone.

"I'm taking a bath," you growled it, hardly expecting to sound so angry.

Someone cleared their throat. Connor's soft, puppy voice spoke through the door, "We were just concerned... Perhaps, you need to talk?"

The door rattled, someone being shoved aside. Edward, loud and boisterous, shouted irritably, "Lass, you open this door and tell us what happened. You didn't come home like this because some fop was nice to you."

"Who was it, mia bella? Your boss?" Ezio clattered his knuckles against the door a few times, shifting his weight against it. "Mia bella, please."

Arno was softer spoken, perhaps a distance away, "Ask if she got mugged."

"Mugged!" Jacob spat bitterly, "I'm more concerned if she was raped!"

"I said I'm taking a bath." You clenched your teeth, not because you were angry but because you were embarrassed. You turned the water on and allowed the noise to echo in the bathroom. You couldn't hear their probing questions anymore and hoped they would wander back towards the living room. Thankfully the bathtub was loud enough to drown out your hushed sniffles as well.

You threw aside your work clothes and stepped into the hot water. You eased down with relief before turning the faucet off. You sunk down further into the water until you were fully submerged, feeling the heat roll across your face and crown, pulling the tension out of the muscles and achy bones.

This had been one of the worst days, your shift at the diner hadn't gone well. You were asked to work a double shift that continued late into the night which normally you wouldn't have minded. It was Thanksgiving and the boys offered to do all the cooking, which they normally did anyway. So, you agreed to work the hours, to be paid extra. But then some drunks came in, sitting themselves in your section, demanding a full audience with you. They had been kicked out of some bar down the street and needed a new place to haunt.

You sat up out of the water and took down a sharp breath, your anger having consumed you well enough to keep you under the water for far too long. You were angry. You were also hurt, exposed in a way you couldn't explain.

"Mia bella?" Ezio was knocking again. "Are you alright?"

Connor asked rather softly, "Was she crying?"

You rolled your eyes. Of course they hadn't left. "I'm fine." You opened the drain before getting out of the tub. You grabbed your towel from the shelf. You dried off then cursed yourself for not grabbing any clothes during your stampede to the bathroom. You wrapped the towel around your body and jerked open the door.

Ezio's face was neutral until he noticed your attire. His brows rose a bit, edge of his lips curling. "I don't suppose you'll be willing to talk to us like that."

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