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The whole car ride had been silent. Ashton was driving for once and Luke sat in the passenger's seat. The two hadn't spoken since Ashton had caught him. Luke had opened his mouth to say things but immediately quieted down when Ashton glanced at him before he spoke. He could see Ashton clench his knuckles tight on the steering wheel after he didn't speak afterwards. Luke sunk down in the chair more.

"Why won't you say what you want to say?"

Luke looked over at him, pouty lips and wide eyes, "I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing."

"You obviously can't be in any more trouble than you are right now, Luke."

"I know."

"Then say what you have to say."

Luke stuttered on the many words that he wanted to say to the male, "I- You... You hide so much from me and you lead me on and you act like you feel things for me but you seriously don't and it fu cks with my feelings and it really sucks Ashton!"

Ashton reached over and grabbed his thigh, harshly, "What? What did you fu cking call me?"

Luke, at this point, was too upset to even care; the quiet side was gone from him, "Are you fu cking kidding me?" He laughed and hit his hand against Ashton's, grabbing it and pushing it off of his thigh, "Do not touch me like that Ashton, ever." He growled, "Let me out, right now. I want to go home. I don't want to be punished for looking around!"

Ashton was taken by surprise by this, the car pulled over but the lock signal sounded, "Okay, Luke, let's just talk about this. I am not letting you go anywhere so mad and upset like this."

"Why? Are you afraid I might go and find someone else to fu ck?"

Ashton's hands tightened on the arm rest, "No, that you're going to be wandering around alone and someone will hurt you."

"Why do you care? I thought sugar daddies only cared about themselves. They're not supposed to have feelings." Luke spat, bitterly.

Ashton let out a laugh, "You are not only a sugar baby to me, Luke. You are my kitten, someone I am supposed to care for and protect. I might be your sugar daddy but I am also your daddy, someone who cares for you and about you. I'm sorry if you didn't sign up for that but I can't help that's how I am. If you leave this car I have no choice but to follow you and make sure no one hurts you, if you stay, I will explain myself as Ashton, as me. Not harsh. I am sorry I was being that way but it's a hard subject for me." He spoke, his eyes set on the road, people passing as rain started to pour down on the streets.

Luke was taken aback by this, not expecting Ashton to actually have feelings since he had never shown them. He shook his head and felt bad for thinking this. Luke just let out a sigh and ran a hand through his blonde hair then gave a nod, 'go on' he mumbled underneath his breath, which made Ashton sigh as well, hating when Luke didn't speak up.

"I guess you could say I had someone like you before but it wasn't based off money rather than based off of mutual love and trust. We met in high school, alright? Usual story, high school sweethearts. She went to college, it was the year my dad passed and I took the company over. One night, in our tiny little apartment," Ashton chuckled at this memory, "she was telling me about one of her friends relationships, they had a dd/lg relationship. She looked at me after with these bright blue eyes..." Ashton looked over at Luke, as if to see his eyes and be reminded of hers, okay not as if, to look over and see her eyes in Luke's.

"And asked me if we could try this out. I was interested but told her that we would look it up and research a bit more, once we did, we were both into it." Ashton gave a nod and Luke looked over at him, "So after a year of having the company, we moved in to the big house that I have now. I became colder, I guess you could say, always stressed out and tired of work. One night I came home and found out she'd done the tiniest thing wrong." He paused for what more felt like ten minutes than ten seconds, "Needless to say, I let her have it. I got super angry and the next morning she was gone. She didn't even leave a note and I couldn't reach her. Next time I saw her, she'd moved back to OZ and that was that, we barely looked at each other in the store I saw her in. Once she saw me, she let pretty quick and I haven't seen her since."

Ashton let out a breath as he held Luke's gaze, "We were really in love, Luke... I shouldn't have snapped at you for reasons that aren't even relevant anymore. I'm sorry, again. You aren't going to be punished." Ashton murmured as he looked away and rubbed his face.

               Luke was confused yet happy, even though the story was sad. Ashton opened up to him. Luke just gave a nod and leant over, kissing his head.

"Thank you..." Luke let out a soft sigh, "But I deserve it. You said no snooping and I disobeyed." He murmured, "You make those rules for my safety, I shouldn't have questioned them and I should have asked you, daddy."

Ashton looked back over at him, pressing a kiss to his lips, "Thank you for understanding."

               In the car, underneath the pitter-patter of the rain, Luke and Ashton kissed for a while before Calum called and asked Ashton where he was and they needed paperwork signed today. Luke happily went along with Ashton, actually excited for a punishment, which he was surprised at, but at least he knew there was a nice Ashton in there, not ruthless daddy all the time. He just hoped he could crack this daddy out once and awhile.


sorry this was short and overdue, i've been sick and sad but am better now! the character answers will be up as soon as i finish answering them all! thank you all for sticking with me on this and understanding. i love you all and hope you enjoy the rest of this story. i will have a vote for my next story soON! no need to fear, this story has a bit more to go.

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