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Hi, it's me, the author who never updates. I am seriously trying to find the drive to update and finish this book. It is hard for me to read this since I wrote it long ago and legit, I have a hard time writing this book because of some of the scenes. 

So, I am trying to work on updating this book and working on some other books/projects as well. I promise you I have not forgotten this book. I am around and plotting, just trying to find a way to update this with as much passion as I used to have for it. 

The next update will be a chapter. Stay tuned and patient. I know that is hard to ask since it has been a while since I've worked on this.

Thank you all for continuing to support my works and staying as interested as you all do. I will try to finish this so you all can have the ending that you deserve and want. I am planning to make a few more chapters before I end it, so do not worry. If you have any questions or concerns, you may message me! It's nice to be back, see you all soon.

sugar daddy ❃ lashtonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora