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I didn't know he had a girlfriend. Okay, I mean I sort of, kind of, maybe figured he had one because he'd been dating a supermodel on and off for a few years. The last thing I had seen of them was that they were on a break, deciding to take some time apart to focus on themselves.

Apparently, they've had a change of heart and decided to get back together... the same night I accepted the offer.

Frederick was adamant about one thing: He wouldn't start the process before his girlfriend and I officially met. And since she had been in Europe for over two weeks and had finally landed back in New York last night; he figured, the sooner, the better.

When I asked why, if they were back together, wouldn't he want to forego this whole deal and plan this baby situation with her. His answer was simple. He told me that Karlie, the girlfriend, wasn't ready to have children. "She's at the prime of her career and doesn't see kids in her future in the next ten years." He laughed then continued. "Listen, no matter what you may think, Karlie and I know exactly what's between us. We don't kid ourselves. My wanting a child has nothing to do with her. Plus, I won't have to share custody with anyone."

There was so much more I wanted to say. But I kept quiet. This was a business deal and their relationship did not concern me. If this worked for them, then so be it.


"I don't know why I am so nervous." I announced, the words accompanied by a chuckle. I found a table cloth and quickly wiped my sweaty palms, which was made much more embarrassing by the fact that my eyes met Frederick's as I was putting the cloth back down on the table. He looked down at it, I smiled and pushed the cloth further away from me, on table.

"My mother gets really sweaty palms when she's nervous. My sister as well. She took it from my mother and my mother got it from her father." He told me with a smile that said, it's okay, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

I took a big breath. "My grandmother, from my father's side of the family, she's the one who gifted me with this inconvenience." I explained. All he did was shook his head as an acknowledgment.

"You're fine. Do not be nervous. This is just so you both can get to know each other, since you'd be in my life for many months to come." He reached for my hand on the table to comfort me. Okay, this was new. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it also wasn't not weird. I guess I needed to get used to having him touch me. Because I needed to be okay having him put his hand on my belly, at the very least if he wanted.

So I left his hand there for a few seconds until I felt the weight of it so loud that it somehow was manifesting physically, then I simply removed my hand from under his. We both heard someone clear their throat, so we looked up to find Karlie standing there.

"Sorry, I'm late, I had a fitting super early this morning that took way longer than I had planned." She apologized and strolled in past me as she went to Frederick and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"No worries, we haven't been here for that long." He got up quickly to meet her hug before pulling a seat out for her. Oh wow, she was even more beautiful and taller than I had thought before. Very long legs. I smiled my most genuine smile.

Frederick started the introduction with Karlie. "This is Eva, I figured it would be better for everyone to get acquainted now." He commented.

"Nice to meet you." I extended my arm politely towards her.

"Eva, this is Karlie. She and I recently decided to give it another go. Hopefully this time around we'll make it work." He chuckled when she playfully smacked his arm.

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