~Forty Two~

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            I had met Dimitri probably once or twice and both times had pretty uneventful. Although he had a demeanor of a dangerous man and looked pretty deadly, he was a decent man, at least from what I noticed and could actually get any job you require of him done which is why Darcy has kept him around for so many years.

           I knew that he was born in Russia and moved to the United States when he was twenty years old so he still had his accent which added to his appeal even more. I had personally never needed his services, but Darcy being the man that he was, had many reasons to keep someone like Dimitri in his corner in case he needed him, which surprisingly has become less and less since he had met Charlotte, deciding to use other routes to get results and only using Dimitri in extreme circumstances.

            We arrived at a sort of rundown dinner and parked the vehicle in front of the place before entering and immediately scanning the room to find him, which wasn't hard as the place wasn't truly packed at this time of the night.

              "Hey boss, here." Someone called out which caught my attention as I looked left to find the semi buff, cropped hair, green eyes, rough face man sitting in the back corner of the dinner by a window.

             I took a deep breath while Darcy and I made our way to the man who had a burger, fries and orange juice in front of him. We sat down and watched as he wiped the excess grease from the burger off his fingers and extended his arm towards me.

           "Nice to see you again." He said with a nod. I shook his hand and nodded back and the second I let go his arm, he picked up his sandwich and went right back to devouring it but not before acknowledging Darcy. "Hey boss."

            "I have a job for you, Ghost, and I need it done as quickly as possible." Darcy started, pushing his cellphone towards Dimitri, the screen showing a photo of Karlie and then one of Dexter we took the day Darcy and I had warned him to stay away and never again step foot next to Eva. I guess that didn't work, even though we had left him bloodied on the floor in his apartment, while he begged for his life and promised to never come after her again. Obviously the man had a death wish.

              "They left his fiancé for dead and kidnapped his baby. Our priority at the moment is to find the child. She's in infant who had been cut out of her mother's womb from these two idiots so use any methods possible to get the job done and make sure they understand that we aren't really happy."

            I watched as Dimitri put down his  half eaten burger on the plate, drank some of his orange juice, cleaned his fingers again and picked up Darcy's cellphone off the table to swipe through the pictures. Alas, when he was finally done, he looked up and nonchalantly asked, "when do you need it to be done?"

            "As soon as possible. They might be working with someone else which is the person that probably has the child as we had been unsuccessful at finding her yet." Darcy added. Dimitri nodded and picked up his burger again, biting into it.

             "Consider it done. You'll have the child back very soon." He said.

          "Another thing," I started, the thought quickly coming to my mind. "I need to know for sure if Karlie was the reason why Eva lost the twins, I'm sure she is but I need verbal confirmation coming from her own fucking mouth." I said.

           Darcy nodded and pulled out a pen and paper to write down something. "This is all the information you'll need. As always be very discreet but do not hold back."

           Another movement of the head from the man. "I got you boss, don't worry." He then  looked at me. "Don't worry, I have a particular disdain for people who hurt kids. I'll find your child, that I can guarantee." He told me in his accented voice.
          I nodded before Darcy and I got up. "You know what to do. We'll be expecting your call." Darcy said before we left the dinner the way we had entered it. By the time we got in my car, I felt my heart getting lighter. I knew he would pulled through which I silently scowled myself for not getting Darcy involved in the first place, trusting the police to do the job.

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