~Thirty Eight~

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       "Now, now, Eva. Where do you think you're going when I'm not nearly done with you? That's a little rude if you ask me."

           Someone grabbed me and roughly pulled me back, turning me around while I fought back against the strong hold he had on me.

         "LET ME GO!" I yelled, already a little out of breath but still fighting with all I still had left in me, which wasn't much, but as long as I had something in me, I was going to fight because I knew what I was fighting for.

          Karlie laughed, moving towards me slowly  and deliberately taking her time until finally, she stopped in front of me, moving hair strings off my face and twirling it around her finger. I pulled my head away, completely disgusted by her.

          "I never could see what Frederick saw in you. You're pretty but in a very generic way, nothing really extraordinary about you." She said, staring at me with a disparaging smile.

         "What the fuck do you want, Karlie?" I pulled against Dexter's hold, still trying to get free. I looked at him and shook my head. I knew he hated me, that couldn't possibly be argued, but to fall this low as to conspire with Karlie? For what?

          "I'm here for the child, you don't deserve it so I'll just take it from you." Karlie finally answered when she was done staring, the smile completely off her face.

         I stepped back as much as I could, laughing nervously. "Okay, now I know you're insane. If you can't tell, I'm still pregnant and my baby is mine. No way in hell I would ever let you have it."

         Karlie looked at Dexter and then back at me. "There's a solution for that, isn't there."

         I swallowed hard, not wanting to think about what she was possibly insinuating. Karlie was a bitch, but she wasn't insane. That's what I kept thinking, that's what I've been telling myself over and over again, not believing that, after all she's put me through, she still wasn't satisfied; and knowing that if anything was to happen to me, she would be the first one to be a suspect.

         No, she wouldn't, she couldn't. I was sure she was smarter than this. I was almost certain of that.

           "Put her down on the floor and make sure she doesn't move." She directed at Dexter who didn't waste anytime, with the help of the other stranger they came with, to try and lay me down on the floor. I started yelling.

         "NO, NO, LET ME GO, LET ME GO. YOU CAN'T DO THIS, LET ME GO." I kicked and howled, and screamed, and yelled until my throat was soar and raw, and yet, they acted as if all that I was doing didn't matter.

         I was locked in place by four strong hands. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast, my body shook and trembled from true, real and honest fear. I was scared, scared of what I was almost certain Karlie could do.

           None of the men were talking and somewhere in the room, I heard the clicking of a metal type of object. I didn't know what it was but was still scary nonetheless.

         Tears built up in my eyes and fell rapidly from them while I tried to find  any courage in me to stay strong. I looked up to find Dexter above my head, holding both my hands so that I wouldn't move.

          It was now or never, I knew if I didn't try to save myself and my baby, something terrible would happen. I took a deep breath.

         "Dexter, Dexter please don't do this, don't let her do this, please. You can't let her do this to me, I'm begging you. Whatever she's planning isn't right. I'm begging you, help me and I promise I'll let you guys go and never talk about this."

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