Without Meaning

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Chapter is for Covermakerx_ for the new cove. I hope you guys like it!

The girl in the picture above is Emma Fuhrmann, you may have seen her in the Adam Sandler movie Blended, which I love.

She is to be Penny Martinez.

I'm kinda doing the siblings first, so Derek will be next




"Guess what guys?" I pause for dramatic effect, letting them form their own thoughts, "I got a job."

Their reaction pleased me. Kayla and Penny squeal, Jet smiled, Patrick and Derek stopped arguing, and little Jamie knew something good just happened so he clapped his chubby hands.

"Cam, that's amazing. Where?" Penny asked, exuberance echoing in her voice.

I had been thinking about this lie since last night and it took it's own turn, "All I have to do is go around taking pictures of Chicago for some tourist website. If they ask, I may even give a few tours. It's everyday from four to seven but that's not so bad considering it pays 25 dollars an hour. I start today."

"Really? Works for school and that's good money." Kayla said, content.

"Yeah, and it's not like Jet and I have lives. Cameron works, Kayla goes to volleyball and we can hold down the fort." Penny seemed happy with her plan. I know I can depend on the youngest Martinez female, she's a good girl and does what she's told.

Everyone was silent for awhile, lost in their own mild happiness. I love to give my siblings something to be proud of that I have done. Nearing home I say, "How was everyone's day?" Leon actually cared and asked the moment he saw us, I can never be a suitable replacement of my older brother, no one can, but the question never hurt.

There were mumbled answers but I noticed Jet kept his mouth shut, "Jet, what happened?" I swear, if one of the punk gang members is messing with Jet I will rearrange their face. With the other Kings' by my side.

"What's wrong?" Kayla sensed Jet's discomfort.

"Nothing," he lied. Seems Leon and I are the two liars while the rest can't do it with a straight face. At least we raised them right that way.

"Spill it. Are you getting picked on?" I growl, a protective wave flushed through me.

Jet scoffed. "No," his ears and cheeks tint pink, "I got asked out today."

Kayla and Penny squeal even louder than they did for me. "Really, Jet? By who?" Kayla implored.

"See, that's the thing, I didn't know her. She said we have, like, five classes together but I can't remember her." Jet confessed.

We burst out with laughter.

Jet crossed his arms, "What's so funny? I can get asked out, girls can like me."

I clear my throat, "You being asked out isn't what's funny,"

"-You not knowing her is." Kayla finished.

We arrive home and everyone piles out. Before she closes the door, Kayla said, "Things are looking up. Have a nice day."

Right then I get a text from Angel; Drive to the nearest Smiths, park next to a yellow Camaro, go inside and find Theo in the frozen food section.

With a sigh, I start to drive and see the two black Lincolns that usually trail me. They think they're being sneaky, staying behind three cars when they follow me. Once I enter the Smith's, I immediately find the car Angel said. I park next to it and let the Kings in the Lincolns get an eye load of me as I walk in the store.

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