A Sit Down

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Since Jamie is so young I don't think it's necessary to add an actor who I think he looks like. That and I just couldn't find one. 

Instead, here's Billy Magnussen who could be Leon Martinez. I know he's dead and all but he is just such an active character here, kinda the reason it all started. Though he isn't alive Leon is mentioned often and should be given a face.





"Montez, I just don't trust her." I say, perfecting the bold line of my eye shadow. I purposely made myself look totally different, going so far that I'm wearing fake teeth I asked Angel for. With the way I painted myself not even Kayla would recognize me.

"I do and that's good enough," He said, leaning on the door frame of my bathroom.

"And? You could be wrong about her." I'd met Maria last night and right away was filled with insane jealousy. The woman is twenty three and appears to be a Spanish model, what with her ridiculous curves, stunning hair, soft brown eyes; it's was almost as if she stepped out of a magazine. Not to mention the blunt attraction she showed Angel. I knew they had history just by watching them interact and I didn't like it one bit. Another woman had never intimidated me the way Maria did and that was unsettling. Whether it's her connection with Angel, obvious beauty, how she proudly flashed the CK tattoo on her collarbone or some weird feminine gene in me, I do not like Maria.

I step back and stare at myself. Maria had came last night and circled me, inspecting every inch of my body. Her mission was to go find a girl who resembled me and get her to hang with Gabriel. As long as Kayla was left out of this then I'd be fine. Just to spread more of her generosity, she loaned me a bag full of makeup and my next outfit. According to her it would "give every guy in the room a hard on" which made me uncomfortable. It was an elastic suit with a zipper from my chest to my crotch, hugging my skin tightly and pushing my breasts to impossible heights. Thankfully Gabriel got my mask and favorite boots. I've come to think of my mother's old ankle boots as a good luck charm.

"Here," Angel offers my coat.

I place the braid tied wig on my head, tucking in any fly away hairs, "I won't need that."

"It's raining out there and it's going to be cold." He eyes my bare back and shoulders.

I pull the braid to loosen it and give my purple lips a smack, "I'm the Vigilante Heroine, what kind of bitch would I be if I rob gangsters wearing a jacket? I don't think so," I strut out of the bathroom and stare out the window, admiring the fast drops of rain hitting the glass.

"Fine, freeze your ass." Angel threw down the fabric in anger and stormed out the room. 

I ignore his out burst and follow him, holding my mask and smirking.


"Remember, this lady loves you, don't scare her. I gave a pet charity over fifteen thousand and I'm sure she heard of it." It's going to be three and we lurk in a park, ducking in our seats so we don't come off as pedophiles.

I put on my gloves and place the queen of diamonds in my chest. Angel held my gun but I waved him off; there's already two knives on my hip and one tucked in my shoe.

I slip out of the hummer and quietly close the door. I hop from tree to tree, watching the houses and and knowing Angel will honk if we've been spotted. This is a rare moment when Chicago's cloudy weather is good becasue if I were out in broad daylight then I would've been caught already. I sprint to the light green house and skillfully jump and push my foot on a wall to get over the gate and land in the backyard. I quickly grab the spare key under the bird feeder and prepare to commit a crime. That's the thing about being friends with gang members; you'll break the law and they'll give you insight on the personal on goings of average people.

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