Chapter 1

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  "So it's a date?" You asked eagerly as your green gleaming orbs lit up in innocent excitement.

           He smiled softly as he looked down, his dimples digging deeper. His hands dug into the pockets of his blue denims. And he looked up to meet your eyes.

         "It's a date..." He agreed. The simple decision to start an innocent relationship filled with love had been formed right there, in front of a small grocery store.

              The moment you had entered that shop, you were aware that his eyes had been  concentrated and followed only you like a shining ray of light ever since then. The posture he was leaning into as he hung out by the counter with the only cashier present, had straightened automatically as soon as you decided to grace your presence in that tiny local store.

           You had only come in to buy a few carrots you needed for the vegetable stew you were preparing. The mildly seasoned vegetable stew that all old people loved in the old age home, the same place where you decided to volunteer for work. A place that had accepted you only because of the lack of volunteers they had.

        But he caught your eye too. Something you weren't really expecting.

        The sleeves of his blue denim jacket had been folded up to his elbows, hiding all his tattoos and scars of his deep past he seemed to have and his skinny black jeans which hung on his hips lowly and yet held his butt so securely. His white vest was the only translucent barrier for those dark and weirdly engraved symbols marked as tattoos and those toned abbs and his feet were covered in black shoes. His peppered blonde hair was covered by a greyish newsboy's hat which gave him the look of those burly teenage boys that belonged to the streets. Or at least that's what you thought it looked like.

           His blue eyes glazed by your mere presence and as your eyes chanced to meet, the atmosphere in the congested shop seemed to change when he smiled softly with his dimples showing off.

                   The first time you saw him, he attracted your attention strongly, with such hypnotising force. Something that has happened for the first time in your life. And you know that you've managed to attract his too.

        Maybe not as strong as he has. It just seemed like you had this connection, this bond with him that you can't seemed to remember at all.

           All you know is that the life you have been living was your second chance that Gid had given you and all that happened before was long forgotten. All because the cerebral part of your brain which contained all your memories you had managed to experience and collect, had been severely injured and with that, you lost everything in that freak car accident. But that didn't seem to stop you from making new memories from the new life that you had already begun living.

                   His eyes still never left you even as his presence neared by.

            You tried to concentrate on the quality of carrots you needed but his intense stare of awe distracted you and left you uncomfortably conscious of yourself. Yet you liked the feeling of it.

            Suddenly his hand reached out, to touch yours and when it came in contact, it sent a powerful  shot of electricity and these weird tingles were left behind.

           You look up to meet his eyes as you drew your hand back instinctively. He looked so much more handsome and cuter from near than far, you judge silently and drew into that conclusion.

            But a sudden pit feeling stops you. It had felt like you have seen him before even when you knew you haven't. At least in this life. That feeling seemed like you have forgotten that beautiful face even when you know you don't really have the capability to do that. You just... felt like you knew him and you quite did have a  strong connection with him before.

It all began with a simple date...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum