Chapter 6

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       You felt something warm embracing you. Something that has held you so lovingly and protectively, unwilling to let you get hurt or even let you go.

       In the atmosphere you were in, you snuggled closer to the source and sighed happily. You were so cozy that you were not ready to open your eyes yet.

             You adjusted your position to your comfortability and snuggled deeper into his chest. And at that moment a deep chuckle was heard which sounded like sweet music to your ears, like you had been waiting to hear it all your life.

       You open your eyes lazily and you see him looking down at you, his eyes filled with adoration, wondering how had he been so lucky enough to get a jewel like you.

           You gave him a stupid grin as you stretch in his arms. That was when you realised that you were in his arms, placed between his legs and his hands were wrapped around your body securely.

            A plain brown blanket was pulled over to shield both of you from cold and make it cosy enough for both of you to fall asleep.

            Even though you were pushed in a white room which had nothing but a clear white bed stuck to a side, you both were pushed into a corner which suddenly had seemed like such a good idea of being snug.

         You also notice that there was a camera put there in a corner, to take note of all your actions further on. Something that has been there all your life but you hadn't missed it at all since you escaped.

          You look up, back into his blue eyes. Something you have really missed but never realised since you had your memory forgotten.

          "Good Morning, Angel!" He whispered cheerfully and you smile as you snuggled even closer to him, just not yet ready to leave him. You were very comfy in that position to even move. Plus he liked it too since he didn't push you off, like he usually does.

            "Very comfortable, I see?" You look at him through your long lashes and gave him an innocent smile once again as you tilt your head away from him, giving you a better look of his chiselled face.

             A few moments spent in silence, as you both looked at each other, admiring the best features you deeply loved about him.

           You see you loved everything about him and you couldn't even pinpoint the things you didn't. On the second plane, you could see that he felt the same about.

           You loved his icy blue eyes and the way it shone when you are the reason for it.

          You loved his naughty smirk which always reminded you of the past you had with him which consisted your whole life.

           You loved his messy hair, the way it fell. It was to perfection and you didn't want it any other way.

            You loved all of him and you realised you missed it so badly after you got your memory back. How could you have lived those two years without seeing him every day?

           Suddenly you remembered what happened just moments back. The part where you both were strapped onto the bed after you were caught. All those emotions that had come bleeding out of him.

           Worry takes place in your eyes and you felt content that after all that took place, at least now he was safe in your arms, that you would be able to be on his side, that now you could comfort him properly.

            "Hey, are you ok?" you asked him as you play with his dog tag, twirling it in your fingers.

              You had the deepest desire of snapping that thing off his neck and whisking him off, far away from this torturous way of living to your dream life. But then it made you think: - When you lost your memory, what had made you hold on to that dog tag around your neck?

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