Chapter 9

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         Next day was going to be a good day. Both Laura and Angelica had decided.

            Angelica was happy that she was going to experience one normal thing in her torturous life, something all the other kids had the privilege to enjoy. While Laura was happy, thinking that this might be the one night where her daughter will be herself, make people like her and enjoy life as it is.

           And both of them prayed to the Lord above before they closed their eyes for a good night sleep.

           Time sped as fast as possible as the seconds flashed by. Both, mother and daughter were waiting for that moment to just get ready and enjoy. And it did come fast.

         Tom could see how anxious both of them were, waiting for the perfect moment that he just chuckled at their impatient actions. But that time did come. The mother was more excited than the daughter.

             Laura picked her daughter up and put her in the tub, giving her a lovely bath. After getting her completely clean from head to toe, she made her put on clothes perfect for the occasion.

          To be precise, when the little kitty wore them, she looked like a princess from the ethereal world, not that she is not. She was put in a beautiful black sleeveless yet collared black lace dress which landed just above her knees and were complimented with dark grey ankle boots. The good part is it also hid her humongous life like tattoo. The dress was so perfect that it seemed like it was made for her.

         Laura, happy with what her daughter was wearing, made her put on silver dangling earrings and a simple pendant. Along with that, a brown purse was strapped across her shoulder loosely. Now that was a complete attire.

          All that was left was make up and hair.

          So a dab of lip gloss smacked on to her lips and eye liner curving the ends of her eyes and she was done. As for her hair, Laura tucked her ears in and let it curl down. And to make it better, she just clipped her flicks up and was ready.

            A sharp intake of breath was taken by both her parents. She was that beautiful, she was that gorgeous. She was perfect and she was now good to go.

            Truthfully Kitty hated dressing up, she would prefer reading any day. In fact she hated it when Laura fusses a lot about her clothes. Well, no one could help it if their mother was such a fashion freak.

         But today was one day, an exception where Kitty didn't mind Laura's excitement. It was something that was mutual. Plus she was excited because she was going to experience fun. For the first time.

              Tom was driving her to the carnival. It was a little far from home. Plus he knew which carnival Max was talking about as he had his own memories made there.

      He remembered when he was eighteen, it was in this fair that he had managed to have guts to ask his first crush out, Laura, his one and only.

              Laura remembered that well enough too. She had laughed over his foolishness which did make a huge embarrassment out of him. She even managed to convince him that he did nothing of that sort.

         When Laura had encountered the fact to Angelica, they both laughed whole-heartedly. Yes, Laura did trust her kitty with all her heart just as kitty trusted her.

          "Oh, my baby is looking so lovely..." Laura complimented as tears of happiness had been streaming down her cheeks.

          They were at the doorstep of the house. She was kneeling down in front of her and had held her daughter's hands. She was so happy with the magic her hands had created.

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