Chapter Two: Man with an Umbrella

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It had been a few weeks since John had first stopped by Isabella's bakery. But just as he had when they first met, he kept coming back. He came by often when he wasn't out and about chasing bad guys with the famous Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes the tall man even joined the doctor on nice afternoons for tea and scones. Even though Sherlock would never admit it, he loved a lot of sweat the small bakery could offer. They often came when there was hardly any food at home and Mrs.Hudson would refuse to cook, always saying she wasn't their housekeeper. In fact, Isabella saw all three of them regularly, not that she minded, she loved seeing their familiar faces. They were like family to her, a supporting and loving one, unlike hers back home.

One gloomy afternoon, Bella sat in one of the tables, seeing as how the bakery was completely empty. The rain was really coming down and discouraged anyone from leaving their comfort of their homes. It didn't bother her, she loved to be tucked inside when the weather was this way, enjoying a book.

"Well I'll be off then. Are you completely sure you don't want me to stay and help clean up a bit more?" exclaimed Rachel, one of her employees and good friends.

"No no no, c'mon off you go now. There's no one here, I'll be alright. Besides you've got those exams coming up."

"Alright but you've got to let me take you out sometime, loosen up a bit, you've been cooped up in here ever since you came back. How about you actually let me set you up with someone?"

Bella laughed, "Uh, I'll have to think about that now please go work on your studying!" She remarked, having no desire to meet someone new.

Isabella walked her friend to the door. Knowing she could handle by herself, she let her go the rest of the day.

"Well alright, I'll see ya tomorrow then. Don't work too hard eh Izzy!" With that, her friend went out into the rain.

Just as she was sitting down again, a man with a black umbrella walked in wearing a very expensive looking suit.

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