Chapter Nine: The First Date, Part One

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"Doesn't seem right though." John asked quizzically.

"What do you mean? Should I change?" Bella asked worried, she didn't want to have to change again.

"No I mean with Mycroft, the way he's acting with you. It's like Sherlock hugging you, it's unnatural. Possible? Sure, you know what? Why don't you just spend time here? " John was feeling uneasy about the whole thing, something seemed wrong. He had teased her about having a crush but never would he think the man would return the feelings so quickly. They left the party together but something that Sherlock mentioned put him on edge.

"With everyone looking? Yeah right. John trust me alright, I mean look at you and Sherlock? Who's to say Mycroft can't change?"

"This is nothing like me and Sherlock because he hasn't changed! And Mycroft makes Sherlock look like a fluffy bunny! Look, I'm simply saying that it seems weird that Mycroft would suddenly be going soft."

"There's nothing to worry about, I'll be fine. It's not as if I've got important government information or something." Bella chuckled, was this really odd behavior for Mycroft? But he was so loving and gentle when they were here the other night.

They were upstairs of the bakery, getting ready for the past half hour, downstairs it was a bit packed with people wanting a sweet lunch. Bella of course was waiting for a shout of help, but it never came. Blake and Rachel made a great team together, tackling the busy hours all the while having fun. Bella wondered if Mycroft would warm up to her even more and treat her completely different from other people. She had no time to think about it now, she wasn't sure how this date would go.

As they both became quiet with curious thoughts, John began looking through the messages between the two. John scrolled through the messages from before Sherlock's birthday, "Hm I wondered where you got the pirate idea."

It was a quarter till one and the only thing keeping her from running outside to wait for Mycroft's signature black car was of course John. He had been over protective since the breakup which he thought had made her leave.

"He's early. Alright well I think that's your cue." John jerked his head towards the window that looked over the street where a black car waited.

Isabella grabbed her purse and turned around to give a look to John for approval.

He stood up and gave her a small smile, "You look great which is a surprise seeing as how you always look like a ghost," he handed her the phone and gave her a serious look, "Please be careful, who knows what trick he has stuffed up in his sleeve. Promise?"

"Promise." Bella smiled as John kissed her temple. Then hurriedly ran down the stairs, hearing him chuckle on her way down.

"No need to hurry Ms.Thornfield, I wasn't planning on leaving without you." Came the sulky voice from the man she had been missing since Thursday.

"Mycroft, hi" Bella smiled shyly.

"It seems quite busy, will they be alright without you?"

"Oh, it seems they can manage quite nicely without me actually"

"Shall we then, Ms.Thornfield?" Mycroft took in her appearance as she stepped away from the staircase, filling him with an urge to smile. Of course he wouldn't allow himself to, the place was buzzing with people.

She wrapped her arm around the one he held up for her and let him lead her to the door. As the couple from behind the counter caught sight of the two people exiting, they stopped for a moment to stare and as they did, the customers curiously glanced over their shoulders as well. It was a strange image of the furvious owner leaving with a man such as Mycroft.

It wasn't until they were in the car and driving away that they finally spoke.

"You look very lovely Isabella. I'm very glad you were able to join me today." He looked at her, noticing her shaking hands resting on her lap.

"I was honestly surprised that you invited me out. Sherlock deduced that I was simply your escape at the party."

"Well I can assure you that was not the case at all. He tends to give that idea of me, of course I can't blame him. I am a very difficult man but I would never use you in any way for my own advantage."

She finally looked up, smiling. "So you didn't find anything on me then?"

"Surprisingly, not even a smudge." He teased. He was being bold in a way he had never been before.

"So what does that mean for me, in Holme's terms?" She knew the answer, she hoped he'd prove her wrong.

"It could mean one of two things; Either your just a simple-living person or you're hiding something." He offered her a smirk.

"You get bored with simple people though, much like Sherlock. Are you hoping I'm hiding something you have yet to discover." She remembered what John had said, she didn't want to be a goldfish.

"My dear whether you were in the possession of government secrets or not, I would find you as intriguing as I do now." It felt good, flirting. It seemed he wasn't as idiotic in the area as Sherlock thought, or Anthea for that matter.

"Is it the sweets? I don't mean to sound like Sherlock but that's what makes him so friendly." Now she was just teasing him hoping to make his obvious blush reach his face.

"While your cheesecake certainly is remarkable, there are plenty of other bakeries that are much closer to work. It's you that makes yours my favorite."

"So there are others? Should I worry about the competition?" Bella was beyond amused. Of course she wouldn't show it in the hopes that she could make the man beside her as nervous as he made her.

His face became hot from his slip up, maybe he had become a little too confident in himself. He stuttered to figure out how to respond.

"N-no, that wasn't what I meant at all, it was just that something keeps pulling me to you Ms.Thornfield. I-It's much like-"

"It's alright Mycroft, I was only teasing." She interrupted having felt bad for playing with him, "What makes me different from the rest of the goldfish?" She smiled at his nervous face, and blushed. For Bella, the so called dangerous man looked nothing but adorable.

He looked at her, wide-eyed. Sherlock wouldn't be that harsh to the Baker, could he? Convince her that she was nothing more than a goldfish? He would, Mycroft had teased him about John after all.

"Sir? We have arrived." Interrupted a voice from the front.

Not realizing they had stopped, the shy iceman recovered from his surprise, "Oh right thank you Joseph," His gaze returned to Bella, "I was hoping you would allow me to show you."

Before she could ask him what he meant, he was already opening her door. Again he offered his hand to the confused Baker as she took in their surroundings.

Mycroft held his hand out for Bella, and as she stepped out the confusion became much more evident on her face.

The Iceman's Baker (Mycroft Holmes)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ