Chapter 18

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when your legs don't work like they used to before

and i can't sweep you off your feet.

will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?



Later in the evening, I was able to finally go home. Nobody was outside when we were traveling from the pack hospital to the house. Chance had told me he put the pack on lock down. No one was allowed out of their homes after dark. He wanted everyone to be safe and stay in doors so that if there were rouges trying to attack us at night, none of the people would be taken or killed. I agreed with Chance, knowing first hand how dangerous Carter actually is.

Ryan was behind us as Chance helped me walk back to the house. I was healed up but at little sore still. Chance had told me earlier that he thought it would be safer if my parents and grandparents stayed at the pack house, where guards would be. Carter knows how much my family means to me and Chance didn't want them getting killed or taken.

"Ryan, could you show them to their room?" Chance asked as soon as we made it into the pack house. My family followed Ryan up the stairs and to the guest wing of the house. The three dogs followed close behind him. Once they were upstairs, Chance looked at me and frowned. "How are you feeling?"

I went into the kitchen so that I could get some food. Hospital food sucks and so I was starved. "I'm fine. I'm all healed up."

I showed Chance my shoulder and leg, which had scared over. The doctor said it would never heal the same way and that I would have the scar for the rest of my life. I didn't mind much. It was one more scar to add to the list. "Well, that's good then. Do you want something to eat since we're in here? I can cook you something."

I looked at the clock and shook my head. "It's almost midnight, Chance. I'll just have a bowl of cereal or something."

Chance led me over to the kitchen table and asked me to sit down. "How about some eggs and bacon? You said that's what you were craving at the doctors."

I sighed and sat down, my stomach growling at me again. "Alright, you can make me some food, but only if you sit and eat with me."

Chance smiled and went over to the fridge. "Deal."

Chance got out some eggs and a packet of bacon. He then went over to the stove and put the cracked some eggs into the pan and then got another pan for the bacon. I got up and went over to the fridge and took out two beers. I opened mine and gave one to Chance. I took a sip of my beer and sighed in content, needing something a little stronger right now. Chance smiled and looked at me. "You do know that since you're a werewolf you can't actually get drunk anymore, right?"

I almost choked. "What?"

He laughed. "Yeah, our wolves don't digest it like humans do. We just keep the beer in the house because we like it but we can't get drunk on it anymore. Once our wolves come out, we're basically immune to it and every other alcohol."

I frowned. "Well, this sucks so much because beer is my favorite."

Chance just chuckled and went to grab two plates and put our food on them. He put the plate in front of me and then gave me a knife and a fork. "Enjoy, my love."

I dug right in, moaning at how good it tasted. I hadn't really eaten in the last twenty-four hours and Chance's cooking was to die for. Chance gave me a weird look and I looked at him. "What?"

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