Chapter 22

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can't keep my hands to myself 

no matter how hard I'm trying to

 I want you all to myself  


It's been a few days since Chance and I marked each other. Last night I spent the night in the basement because of the full moon. I have no idea what even happened. I woke up not remembering the night at all. Chance said my wolf took over and that sometimes, people struggle to get back out after letting their wolves take over. He said the next full moon I might need to be in the basement again, but I'm hoping not. I was so lonely and cold down there.

Today, I was meeting with Chance's mom. She was going to give me the history of the Luna. I have meetings with her every once in a while, to train me on how to be a Luna. Most she-wolves know the rules and duties of a Luna but since I was brought up in the human world, I didn't get any lessons on this type of stuff. Chance's mom would be giving me a small lesson to help me understand my role better.

"Good morning, Luna. I'm here to take you to training."

"I can walk there myself. Mary's house isn't that far."

Ryan shook his head. "Chance insisted that I take you over there. He can't do it because of the meeting with Brandon but he wants me to make sure you get there safely. His brother and him are talking about the rouges again."

I nodded, remembering Chance telling me about that meeting today, "Okay, but stop calling me Luna!"

Ryan chuckled. "Bailey, I'm on duty so I'm supposed to call you that. Anyway, are you ready?"

I nodded and followed Ryan out of the pack house and into the main part of the pack. We talked a little about Chance and Hannah and Ryan told me he was thinking of proposing to Hannah. I squealed. When we reached Mary's house, Ryan bid me goodbye and said I needed anything to contact him or Chance.

"Thanks again."

He waved goodbye and winked. "No problem, Luna."

I knocked on Mary's door and smiled when Aria answered. "Come in. Mom's in the kitchen."

"Okay, how are you doing?"

"Great! Can we have another girl's day soon? We miss you."

"Of course! Summers almost here so we'll be able to spend so much time together."

She gave me a toothy smile and I walked into the kitchen. I sat down across the table from Mary. "Good morning, how are you doing?"

She looked up from her book and a smile spread across her face. "Good morning, Bailey. I'm great this morning. Something's different about you."

I moved my hair to the side and Mary's eyes went wide. "Chance and I marked each other."

"I knew something smelled different about you! I'm so happy for you both."

I smiled. "With everything going on with Carter, I just wanted him to mark me. I know that with us being joined together now, we are stronger in battle and can help heal each other. I just wanted to be closer to Chance incase anything bad happens."

Mary nodded, agreeing with my reasoning. "I'm just so happy for you both. I can tell how much he loves you. Now, before we begin, would you like anything to drink?"

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