Chapter 19

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I just want to hold you, keep you in my world

(p.s. a picture of Bailey and Chance above. Enjoy)


After the amazing carriage ride with Chance, we stopped and got some hot chocolate to go from a diner in town and then went back to Chance and I's pack. When we got back, it was almost one in the morning. Though Chance and I fight a lot, he does really know how to make a girl feel special.

"I had a really great time tonight." I said, smiling at Chance when we got to the pack house front door.

"I'm glad you did. Does this mean I can take you on another date sometime?"

I smiled and nodded. Chance took a step closer to me and his eyes darkened. "You know what I really want to do right now?"

My back was against the door and Chance's arm was blocking me from going inside, his hand resting on the door. I tried staying calm. I tried not to let me voice shake as I spoke. My voice came out as a whisper, my heart beating fast. "What do you want to do?"

Chance moved his hand to my cheek and cupped it, his other hand resting lowly on my hip. "I really want to fucking kiss you right now."

My eyes widened, my body heating up. "You want to ki-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Chance's lips were on mine. His lips were on mine. It took me a few minutes to respond to the kiss but soon, I found my lips moving against his. Chance's lips were soft and warm and he tasted like chocolate and mint. His kiss feels like home. My mind is cloudy and Chance deepens the kiss, his hand growing tighter on my hips.

It was like a fire was exploding inside of me. This felt like everything I've ever needed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Chance picked me up a bit so he wasn't bending down anymore to kiss me. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like I was going to die. This was the kiss every girl dreamed of and I was getting it. I felt the electricity flying through the both of us and I wanted more. I didn't want this to stop. Chance kissed me like I've never been kissed before.

Before I knew it, it was over. Chance pulled away and placed a small kiss on the side of my mouth, my jaw, and down my shoulder. He pulled my sweater to the side and left warm kisses on the exposed skin. A small moan escaped my lips and Chance pulled back, his eyes clouded with lust and his lips red and swollen, probably mirroring what mine look like right now. He left one last kiss on my lips before pulling back for good.

A smile was etched across his face and he touched my cheek, my eyes closing and enjoying his touch. "Wow."

I opened my eyes and smiled back. "Double wow."

Chance intertwined our hands together and opened the door to the pack house, leading me inside. "You didn't tell me you can kiss like that."

I blushed and let go of his hand, walking up the stairs to go to my room. Before I could, Chance pulled me back and started leading me up to his room above us. "Where are you taking me?"

"I think it's time that you start sleeping in my room, our room."

I smiled and followed him into his room. I took off my heals and sat down on Chance's bed, feeling slightly awkward. "All of my clothes and stuff are downstaits in my room."

Chance took my heels from the floor and moved them into his closet. "It's okay, you can borrow something of mine. We can arrange to have all of your stuff moved up here tomorrow, if you would like."

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