2. The Crooked Woman with a Crooked Nose and a Crooked Cane

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Have you ever seen such a crooked woman in your life?

A crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane.

Even the path way leading up to her house is crooked.

The path twisting and winding to only lead to crooked stairs.

Walk to your left, walk to your right, then back to your left, and back to your right.

Why is everything so crooked?

Don't ask me, I'm not the crooked woman with a crooked nose and crooked cane.

You stop at the top of the crooked stairway only to find a crooked house.

It must be playing tricks on you.

You've never seen anything this crooked before

Have I?

Why, I haven't either.

I'm not the crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane.

Why don't you ask the crooked woman yourself?

She's waiting for you up the crooked front porch and the crooked door.

Through the crooked hallway, twisting this way and that way.

Pass the crooked cats hissing as you walk by.

Why do they hiss?

You're not the crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane.

Through the crooked clatter and mess you walk by, wondering.

Why is everything so crooked?

Is she mad?

Is she sad?

Is she bored?

Or is she insane?

Questions form in your mind as you walk through the crooked kitchen.

Oh look!

There's the crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane!

She's sitting outside in her ...

Crooked garden.

Slowly, you start going insane, laughing crookedly.

You walk through the door and straight to her.

"Why is everything crooked in your life?" You ask her.

She lets out a crooked cackle as she stares at you with crooked eyes.

"Why you ask?"

"That's an easy question."

"I'm not mad."

"I'm not sad."

"I'm not bored."

"I'm not insane."

"I merely have a crooked disease."

You stare at the crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane.

"This is crazy... This must surely be a dream."

The crooked woman let out another crooked cackle.

"But it only has begun." She looks at you.

You run through her crooked garden and through her crooked kitchen.

You run past the crooked hissing cats and through the crooked hallway.

You run out of the crooked door and down the crooked porch.

Down the crooked stairs and down the crooked path.

"I must surely be dreaming." you said shaking your head.

But then you start walking right, then left, then back right, and back left.

"Oh, no! What is going on?"

Don't ask me, I am not the crooked woman with a crooked nose and a crooked cane.

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