3. Sinner or Prayer

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Oh woe is me!

I am nothing more but a sobbing ghost!

I once lived a happy childhood with wonderful parents and siblings.

I had a happy wife and two children.

But that all changed since...

The devil has turned me.

We lived in a big house

With big rooms and lots of space.

We always got along and never fought.

We were the perfect little angels that they wanted us to be.

We did everything they asked and never complained once.

We played until dusk, ate our supper, and went straight to bed after our prayers.

Oh woe is me!

Why must I be the one who pays the price?

I went to school and did everything the teacher told me.

I was on time, presentable, and never complained.

I did all my work and handed it on time.

Yet I'm the one who was turned.

I met a lovely girl and I married her.

We had two children: twin boys.

I got the dream job and she stayed home with the children.

Once father passed away, everything changed.

The devil has turned me.

It feels like I'm falling through the darkest depths of hell.

I grab onto the rope only to feel myself slip.

I scream and yell as I tumble down hill.

I woke up only to find myself in hell.

I try to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

I find myself in bed the next day, covered in sweat and filled with fear.

Instead of seeing colorful people, I only see black, grey, and white.

My mouth starts to water as I can feel myself hunger for red.

Since when did this start?

I was normal up until that nightmare.

But now I believe differently and everything shall change.

I hear things I never heard before and decided to paint everything with red.

Red, that delicious looking color.

I stand there watching everything get painted with red.

Oh, what a delight!

But this all feels so wrong!

I pray to God in hopes of asking for forgiveness.

I did not ask to be turned.

I did not ask to paint everything with red.

I regret not telling anyone.

Am I a sinner or prayer?

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