5. The Devil Inside

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Go away.

Don't come near me.

Leave me alone.

Why won't you listen to me?

Let me be by myself!

In this hellish hole.

This dark and cold and isolated hole.

You don't know what I am.

You don't know what the people turned me into.

Why do you want to help?

Go away.

Far from here.

Far away from the monster I became.

I'm not that sweet innocent person that you thought I once was.

I'm not who you think I am.

So just go away.

Stay back before I hurt you.

I scratch, bite, and kill.

I'm not the nice person you assumed.

I'm not the caring one.

I'm the opposite.

Stay away before it's too late.

I can no longer control myself.

All I ever see is red.

Painting the roses red.

Such a lovely color.

It's my favorite.

I love to paint everything with red.

No, don't come any closer!

Now look what you've done.

I've painted you red.

I warned you to not come closer.

There's red on your stomach and some on your head.

Why didn't you listen to me?

To the demon inside...

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