Chapter 17

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*squeals* Thank you so much for my first vote! This ain't a complete failure after all!
\(>~<)/ <3 Enjoy!

It was past midnight and I still hadn't left my room. I totally lost track of my days. It's Christmas Eve! I'm supposed to be spending it with my family not preparing to look for an imprisoned sack of meat.

"Just think long term! Stop the war, keep my family safe, and spend many happy Christmases with them in the future." I had been rolling around on the floor all day, moving from one spot to the next. It had been only an hour since I had completely turned off my music, but now I was considering turning it on again.

'Turn the volume up all the way, disturb his slumber, and leave early in the morning.' A flawless plan! I crept over to my stereo snickering, releasing the evil little gremlin I had caged within. Before I could push play my phone rang and I jumped. After calming my nerves I burst out laughing, trying to push the stupid little answer button.

"Sam?" I was still giggling to my idiot self. "What's up?"

"What do you mean what's up?! Your mom called me earlier today freaking out cause you hung up on her! What the hell is going on?" Well that definitely killed my mood.

"No, sorry. I already called her back. I couldn't really explain anything at the time but everything's alright now."

"Again, what's going on?" He used his big brother tone and my head lowered; even though he couldn't see me, I'm pretty sure he knew.

"Remember when we went to that coffee shop?" I explained everything to him, what I found out and what my plans were. I made sure I didn't breathe a word about the psycho coming with me though. The whole time Sam listened quietly except for the occasional 'uh-huh'. "I'll only be able to stop by to say goodbye real quick."

"That's ok, you know what you gotta do. I'll see you later then."


"And actually go to sleep." I could hear his smile.

"Goodnight." I grinned and hung up. Quick goodbyes were all I would have time for...

"What the hell is he doing here?" The two growled simultaneously, both clenching their fists.

"Don't start." I pointed at Warden before turning to Sam, we had agreed to meet for breakfast. "This was the Captain's condition for letting me go."

"Really? What did everyone else die?" Sam looked down at the green-eyed man disgusted.

"Captain's orders." I sighed, picking up a menu. Sam sat on the other side of the table while us hunters sat together. We ordered and our food came quickly despite the diner being full. "So did you ever call that girl?" I leaned forward with a sly grin; my friend turned red and took another bite out of his breakfast burrito. "You did?! And?!" I felt like such a chick, but I didn't care.

"We've gone out a few times..." Sam shrugged as if it were nothing but the way his hands shook said otherwise.

"Aaaaaannnd?" I pressed on feeling my heart swell like a proud mother.

"Let's keep this PG, shall we?" He took another bite and winced when I squealed.

"I'm so proud of you! Awwww look at you all grown up!" To everyone else in the diner, our conversation would be totally backwards seeing as I'm way smaller and younger than Sam but treat him like he's my child anyway. "Remember to use protection and always be a gentleman. But I have to meet her one of these days too cause if she's just a thirsty little-"

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