Chapter 33

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The wind scattered ashes across the desert. She was too free to be locked in an unmarked grave, especially this far from home. This far from her family. I could feel the shift within myself, my human side shrinking as the beast consumed it in blind rage. Humans. They had done this to us. They didn't deserve mercy. They-

"Love?" My mate gripped my hand in his, I took in my surroundings. How had we gotten so close to home so soon?! We were maybe 50 miles away now. "Are you ok?" I nodded with the best smile I could manage, but the storm inside refused to die down. Instead it rumbled, building just beneath the surface.

"I still haven't been able to get in touch with Evelyn, or anyone from the team for that matter."

"Victor hasn't gotten word from them either, not since the church was destroyed." Daniel added with bitter suspicion. Shawn simply kept his head down while Alexander gazed at the trees breezing past us. It's been over 18 years since he had last seen this land. Was he nervous? It shouldn't even be a question. The way his knee jumped and his feet tapped impatiently, a wooden board looked more relaxed  than he.

There were guards positioned on rooftops with semi automatics at the ready. The town had a nervous lull over it like unspoken panic. The smell of fear drowned out the traces of death. There were stains on the floors and walls were decorated with bullet holes. This town had also seen war. As we drove across the country to return home, dozens of towns had been taken by Nightwalkers; this one seemed to have been able to turn the tables. We tried passing through but the end of the road connecting to the highway was blocked.

"We won't be able to hide in the Veil, it's practically been burned to ash here." Daniel growled anxiously, his grip on the steering wheel whitening his knuckles.

"Just keep your tempers down. I recognize him." Luke poked his head beside the driver. "He's a hunter I met once when I was with Evelyn."

"You're associated with hunters?" Alexander growled but I shot a glare his way.

"Not now." The Lord grumbled, resembling an angry pouting toddler as he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. Daniel stopped the car a good 50 feet away. It was strange though. If they were supposed to be holding back the line, why even let us into town to begin with?

"Something feels off..." Shawn spoke what I felt.

"It'll be ok, hopefully he remembers me."

"Hopefully?!" I hauled the green eyed boy back beside me. "I'm going too then!"

"If he barely remembers me as a human, he won't be too happy to see me as a wolf as is. To show them more of you would make the situation worse." Luke rationalized. He kissed my forehead before leaving. His hands were up and defenseless as the men aimed. Words were exchanged but the weapons never dropped.

"Guys..." Daniel glared in the rearview mirror. Behind us, the "fearful" townsfolk had gathered with their own weapons. It was a trap. Alexander growled from deep within his chest.

"Foolish humans." He was ready for attack.

"Wait!" Daniel snapped before apologizing with a bowed head. "If we act rashly, Luke will be shot down without hesitation. Just be prepared but hold fast, my Lord." We watched, itching for action. The beasts wanted out. Our hearts pounded in our ears, claws itching just below the surface. The predator's instinct begging for release.

Luke no longer held his hands up, but his posture was rigid and I could feel his anxiety and anger. 'They aren't going to let us through...' His voice rang clear in my head.

'They have us surrounded from behind too.' I replied trying to think quickly. 'When I say jump you jump, got it?'


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