Chapter 31

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'I am the heir to the throne! It is my birthright!'

'Shut up! You didn't even exist until just recently! This is my body!'

'Control should belong to the strong, not the fragile and weak!'

'Yeah, keep saying that. That's exactly the mentality that the enemies have. You know the ones trying to kill us and your precious Lord? Remember them?'

'Without my power you are nothing but a-'

'I'd choose your next words very carefully, and keep in mind that we should be fighting for our lives and the lives of those depending on us instead of fighting each other.'

"Fay!" Luke's voice snapped me back to my senses before I was lost in myself.

Alexander roared with rage as he slaughtered those within his 5 foot radius. Lucio had managed to get us to the next floor, immediately destroying the supports for the upper floors so that all the guards were doomed to fall. The sound of metal crunching and snapping bones was disturbing now, on top of the anguished cries of those trapped in the rubble. A few managed to jump and roll away last minute, and by some miracle , they were still able to move.

"It's their life or yours witch!" One man shouted. He had broken his leg in his attempt to flee, he hobbled to cover before opening fire at us. In the center of the room a beautiful woman with dark brown skin and short curly hair stood. She kept her eyes closed, her palms were together in front of her chest as if she were praying. The issue was the shackles around her wrists and ankles. The rest of us took care of the remaining guards but Lucio was focused on this woman. Her power was incredible, and though in terms of strength she couldn't take us on, her magic put her in a completely different category.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you all made it this far, but if I let you walk out that door, it wouldn't be a pretty ending for me." Joshua aimed his guns at Eliza and Shawn who stood nearest the door we should have came through.

"You're just like a roach, crawling out of disgusting places, showing up everywhere uninvited." Lucio didn't turn to address the psycho, his main concern was the woman.

"Joshua!" Alexander growled, but he knew he couldn't move.

"And you!" Joshua grinned over at me," Didn't your father ever teach you it's rude to interrupt people? Oh wait, that's right! He ditched you before you were even born!"

"Lies!" Alexander snarled.

"I mean come on! He's the Lord of the Wolves! And your mom, well to him she was just a fun night in a small town. To be honest, you're all just victims of these dogs. You never asked to be this way right? Who knows how many more women out there got taken advantage of because this beast couldn't keep it in his pants? If he really cared about you, he never would have left. He was more than able to protect you guys, believe me.." Joshua lifted his pant leg to reveal a mechanical prosthetic. "Listen, you've got the training of a hunter, I can see that. And given your situation, I believe it wouldn't be an issue to let you live so long as you join me. What do you say?"

***Luke's POV***

She looked at the man with a calm face, as if she was starting to be convinced. But I knew all hell was about to break loose. Had this been an anime, she would be surrounded by a lethal black flame. A wicked grin spread across her face as a maniacal gleam was born in her eyes sending a shiver down my spine.

"I know you ain't talkin' 'bout my momma!" She took slow gentle steps toward Joshua. "Here you are Mr. Psycho Roboto, wanting my help to rid the world of these terrible beasts that are blood-thirsty and dominating. Yet you insult my mother? Mr. Joshua, I am curious....were you taken advantage of once?" She played with imitated concern. "Did someone lock you in a cage and make you do things you didn't want to do?"

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